Tea Trippin'

I am an American anomaly. I do not do coffee. In this land of latte-laced days and frappachino-fueled nights,I prefer the gentle ritual of tea. Not the Brisk or Lipton nonsense but aromatic, expertly blended leaves and spices in a decorative cup. The tea should be preferably accompanied by cinnamon scones with heaping dollops of Devonshire cream and melodic classic jazz but that's besides the point. I have a cabinet dedicated to my tea habit and it holds at least 50 varieties. I lean towards Indian teas and herbal tisanes that aren't technically tea at all. My favorite is Madagascar Vanilla Red tea. It's a deep burnished red color layered with vanilla and rooibos flavor. Rooibos is a South African plant that's also called red bush. It's noted for it's healing properties and antioxidants but I just love the rich flavor.

Red Chai Masala is another stand-out for me. It's chai without the caffeine, loaded with ginger,nutmeg, clove, chicory and black pepper for a spicy morning drink. It's also blended with my favorite rooibos leaves so it's a pretty ruby color.

India spice tea features a classic blend of cardamon and cinnamon and is probably my all-time favorite. You'd think that regularly sipping tea from several different continents would make me realize the cultural and travel aspects in my tea ritual but it never occurred to me. Then I had a conversation with my Facebook friend Eka. Eka is Indonesian and we're both in a Facebook group called "A Cup of Tea Solves Everything." We always shoot messages back and forth about the tea we're drinking at the moment. I never thought about the cultural aspects of tea outside the British, Chinese and Japanese traditions until Eka kindly schooled me.
The picture above shows traditional Indonesian tea or teh. According to Eka, Javanese people love sweet tea but the Sundanese people prefer hot tea with no sugar. Eka's fave is vanilla tea, which is the yellow box pictured on the right. The Minang people are known for their vanilla tea and serve it for free in their restaurants. Eka is Javanese so she loves to drink sweet tea in the morning and rose-flavored rosella tea for the rest of the day.
Now that tea you're talking about?? That's right up Prince's ally. He loves tea....but then again, he grew up drinking the stuff. He even calls dinner "tea". UGH, do we have a language barrier in this house!!
But, we muddle through and love each other madly :)
Take care darlin lady and......
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Just askin.......
Steady On
Reggie Girl
I used to drink like 4 cups of coffee a day, ironically, I don't miss it for a minute!
and you're right there are soooooo many amazing teas, you can never get enough:)
Jean-Luc, there's enough tea varities to win over a coffee lover!
Ebony, Harrod's tea rules!
Lola, you're not a tea drinker if you don't open the boxes!
Many thanks for your feedback on the reggae post, your comment was most welcomed.
Greetings from London.
thanks for dropping by :-) it's always a pleasure to "see" you!
P.S. I finally got around to updating my blogroll and updating your URL - sorry about that!
Contact me or visit my blog. You won my Mr and Mrs Smith giveaway / raffle!!!!
Lara,I love chai the Indian way too.
Jen, I won! Thanks so much!
we must do tea some time ; )