Angst About Amy

So I couldn't escape it. I really tried but facing Amy Winehouse up close was too much. I got sucked into all the speculations, media hype and general preoccupation with her state of mind. It is not good. I'm a fan of Amy's soulful, jazz-inflected vocals. I had hope that her 5 months on St. Lucia had helped heal her demons. If any place could accomplish the task, it's the dreamy beauty and gentle-spirited people of St. Lucia. But it doesn't seem to be working. One glance at her unfocused eyes told me all I needed to know. I was only a few feet away from the stage so I saw everything and it was painful to watch.

She ambled out in an aqua-colored mini and the requisite pile of hair. She grinded provocatively in her 5-inch, white Louboutin's. After 2 off key songs, she bends down to take off her stilettos. Her back is to the crowd and she flashes her white panties. Amy starts singing and then stops midway, announcing that she's bored. In the meantime, a monsoon is starting on St. Lucia. Buckets of rain pound the stage. Mounds of volcanic mud cling to everything. The stage lights shut off and Amy walks off to loud boos. She turns around and performs a ska version of Sam Cooke's "Cupid." She swigs what looks like rum from a plastic cup and starts flailing her twiggy arms off beat. Amy hangs on to a back-up singer for support. She gazes off with a sad, lost look. "Get a cup of tea!" yells a crowd of rowdy Brits. She needs a lot more than tea. She squats to put on her shoes and then takes them off again. She manages to get through "You Know I'm No Good", stares out at the crowd and then walks off the stage. The audience rewards her with thundering boos.

During the entire spectacle, I was standing next to her bodyguard. I watched for signs of concern on his face and detected none. There were whispers of getting the paramedics floating through the crowd as he bounded backstage. Of course, no interviews were allowed and Amy later released a statement saying the storm forced her to abandon her performance. I felt tainted after watching Amy struggle through her show. It was like quietly watching someone commit suicide. I stayed in the same villa community with Amy and other journalists. She acts like a rambunctious toddler, skipping and jumping around barefoot and sucking her thumb. I asked her where her lovely shoes were and she replied, "never you mind." I don't think it was a coincidence that she never got to sing her signature "Rehab." She's clearly not going and there's nobody around her to care that she doesn't.


Jean-Luc Picard said…
How sad that this woman, who could have been so good, will soon fizzle out. 'You Know I'm No Good' was an appropriate song.
marina villatoro said…
I want to know how she is still a draw? I mean, can you keep on getting such bad publicity that it still intrigues people to see you!!!
There are much better talents out there, she should be left alone and put into an insane asylum.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, it breaks my heart that such talent is going to waste.

Wendy B, thanks for dropping by, it is sad.

Marina, She's still a draw because even in a drugged stupor, her voice is enthralling. I also think people enjoy watching her fall apart, eventhough I found it painful. I think the bad publicity is cathcing up to her now.
Beauty Is Diverse said…
She looks unhealthy.
A Cuban In London said…
Amy, Amy, Amy. I loved her debut album and could not wait for her second. But this is a sad example of how someone so talented can go to waste in no time. I hope she can turn this around. Thanks for the video and the commentary.

Greetings from London.
Fly Brother said…
Hm, I don't think it's a matter of nobody around to care so much as she not caring herself. You can lead a horse to water...

The voice is amazing, and I can sense the dread you felt in your post. Tragic.
Fly Girl said…
Ebony, yes, she's extremely unhealthy on every level.

Cubano,I loved her debut and hoped that she would turn around as well. It doesn't appear that she's going in that direction.

Fly Bro, No she doesn't care, most addicts don't. She's too unhealthy to get help on her own, I just wish someone would create on intervention.
Lola said…
It really is sad. There's definitely a clear void there that she's trying to fill in her soul but can't.
Fly Girl said…
I agree, she has a huge void but doesn't know what to do to fill it.
I don't know what to say about dear Amy..........."Bless her heart" as we say in the South (which is of course, God's country lol).
I love this're awesome FFS.............
I'm so going to hold you to Friday Shoot-Outs seeing as how you have that new computer that your Prince bought you honey. Just remember that you told me about it and next Friday's theme is "Paint It Red". Somehow, I just know...........this is YOUR subject matter..
Hit me up girl. I'm looking for you to be a gangster...........

Steady On
Reggie Girl
Catherine said…
oh wow...just what I feared when I wrote my last comment about not envying you that bit about having to keep track of you I love her CDs and studio work but I have also heard that she is just such a nightmare live...although she has all the prerequsites of being one of those self-destructive stars who die young and become a legend evermore...
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, I'm really hoping that she doesn't die young although she seems determined...
Gem said…
Wow. I wonder how long this is going to go on?

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