Next Stop: Land of Ixchel

For the rest of the week, I'll be exploring the Land Of Ixchel (ee-shell)or Cozumel. Ixchel was the Mayan goddess of the moon, fertility, childbirth and weaving. Cozumel was her sacred island and the site of the San Gervasio shrine where every Mayan women was expected to make a pilgrimage at least once. I'll visit the San Gervasio ruins as well as check out the local Cozumel culture. Stay tuned for my posts next week.


Beauty Is Diverse said…
Have fun I like that picture too.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Sounds like a wonderful place. Looking forward to hearing about it.
Lola said…
Have a great time in Mexico! Will be catching up on blog posts next week once I'm back in Stockholm.
Wendy said…
Enjoy and looking forward to reading about it.
Fly Girl said…
Ebony, Jean-Luc, Lola and wendy, thanks for dropping by. Cozumel was great. My posts about San Gervasio, lobster pizza with honey and anise liquor, and dinner on a pirate ship will be up shortly!

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