Next Stop: Myrtle Beach

I never knew that Myrtle Beach had more than endless beaches but apparently there are museums, zoos and theaters to compete with all the sand. The photo above is from Brookgreen Gardens, home of the world's first and largest sculpture garden as well a depository of Lowcountry history. I'll be diving into this other side of South Carolina for the week so look for posts on my Myrtle Beach discoveries this weekend.


marina villatoro said…
I've never been to Myrtle Beach, but I've heard that is way more than just beaches, actually. Plus, they are known for some great seafood restaurants. So you can tell us all about it:) Have fun!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Look forward to hearing what is on Myrtle Beach.
A Cuban In London said…
Wonderful pic to kick off your series on Myrtle Beach. I'm looking forward to the rest.

Greetings from London.
Just a bit to the north (over the border) is Sunset Beach, NC, one of my favorite "family" beaches on the east coast. You can walk to Bird Island which straddles the state line at low tide and see North Myrtle in the distance. Have fun!!
Fly Girl said…
Marina, Jean-Luc, Cubano and Heather, Myrtle Beach defintely provided a lot to post about! Yes, they are known for seafood but also alligators, hauntings, handmade candy and the stunning scultures at Brookgreen.
Avis said…
Hopefully you'll come back from your trip with great recipes to share of that Lowcountry cuisine ;-) Have a great time!
Beauty Is Diverse said…
I've never been also.
Fly Girl said…
Avis, I'm afriad I didn't get any recipes but I did observe lots of gardening!

Ebony, you'll be going with me in the next few posts!

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