Mexican Standoff

This living statue was the lively focal point of Cozumel's Plaza Central. Most major cities attract performers that spray paint themselves bronze or silver and stand stiffly like a statue, busting out with dance moves or gestures just when you thought they were real statues. This man presented some clever shimmies and turns to the live cumbia music playing by a band in the plaza. I really enjoyed Plaza Central, which is Cozumel's main downtown plaza. With colonial architecture splashed in vibrant shades of yellow, pink, orange and turquoise, the area oozes tropical charm. A cluster of shops sell handcrafted huipi les or traditional Mayan dresses, hammocks, Cuban cigars and fanciful figurines. Vendors hawk churros and cotton candy and kids skip and run through the square. What I liked most was watching the local teens dance and flirt under the dramatic Mexican sunset.


Jean-Luc Picard said…
How lively it sounds.
marina villatoro said…
these statutes are pretty creepy. these preformers are all over the place in NYC during the summer:)
Anonymous said…
I know this is totally random, but I worry for those human statues skin. I mean really, your skin must be screaming for air. I always want to rub it off. And yes, I do have issues!!

Now back to the topic at hand, Cozumel's Plaza sound absolutely delightful with all the vibrant sounds, smells and sights.
A Cuban In London said…
If it had not been for your comment I would have thought he was an actual statue. He reminds me of the ones we have in Covent Garden. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.
Those performers definitely grab one's attention! I hated wearing stage makeup for commercial work and cannot imagine painting that much skin. ~But this guy sounds perfect for Cozumel's festive atmosphere!
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, it's definitely lively!

Marina, these living statues are everywhere.

Yvonne, leave it to you to worry about there skin! I'm sure it's stage make-up.

Cubano, this one had more flavor than the ones in Convent Garden.

Heather, I always wondered about how it feels to wear all that stage make-up, I don't like it even when it's just a lot of foundation.
Samuel Peterson said…
I also thought that this is real statue but it’s not. These performers are very nice, thanks for sharing.
Fly Girl said…
Thanks so much for dropping by Samuel.
Unknown said…
I have only visited the left coast of Mexico so now I really want to check this side out! You really dispel some commonly propogated myths here...
Fly Girl said…
Steve, I hope you get a chance to visit and treat this side of Cozumel to your humor. Thanks for dropping be.

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