A Special Cozumel Celebration

Few things thrill me more than a wedding. The happiness and romance never fails to whip me into a frenzy. So when I spied a suspicious little happy face next to "Marissa and Brian event" on my Cozumel itinerary, I suspected that some sort of ceremony was in the plans. Straight from the airplane, I pounced on Marissa and Brian. (shameless I know) Didn't matter that I didn't know who they were, where they were from or exactly what they were doing. Somebody was planning a ceremony and I had to be a part of it. Turns out they had no plans at all. They wanted to renew their vows and had no clue how they wanted to do it. That was my cue. High school sweethearts! Three kids under four-years old! They deserved a twilight, beach ceremony complete with flowers, music and private 5-course, romantic dinner.

So I told Laura, a Royal Holiday account manager, that they should have candles and a flower strewn path.

The chairs were elegantly covered in white and were guarded by bouncers that directed beach goers somewhere else. This wasn't my idea but it worked.

Marissa looked gorgeous in a flowing floral confection, strolling down the candlelit aisle.

Marissa and Brian renewed their vows in the shadow of the sunset, with a Mexican breeze blowing through their hair.

Did I mention that I officiated the ceremony? Even though Sean, another account exec is an ordained minister, they elected me to do the ceremony since I was so involved in all the arrangements. Needless to say, I almost didn't make it. We went snorkeling the afternoon before the ceremony and afterwards, I took a little nap that stretched into evening. Laura called me minutes before the ceremony with grave concern filling her voice. Of all people, nobody expected the wedding planner to be late! I dashed down the cobblestone path like Cinderella at midnight. That's when they informed me that I would officiate.

Marissa and Brian had both packed bibles and they had me read passages from Matthew and I Corinthians. Out of all my travel adventures, this ceremony is one that I will always remember. Our group gathered to take photos afterwards. I insisted on the bouquet-throwing ritual, which featured much ducking and dodging.

Kristin landed the bouquet and I briefed her about my expectations that I would plan her wedding next. I don't know if that scared her or the fact that she caught the bouquet in the land of Ixchel, Mayan goddess of childbirth and fertility.

We left the joyful couple to their five course, beach side meal, hoping that Ixchel would work her magic on them once again.


Jean-Luc Picard said…
A wonderful post! I know you'd be a great wedding planner (if you don't oversleep!)
Beauty Is Diverse said…
Weddings on the beach are always beautiful.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, thanks! I don't know if I'd want to be a full-time wedding planner, matchmaking is even more fun!

Tiffany, You're right. A beach wedding guarantees a beautiful ceremony, no matter where or when it is.
marina villatoro said…
what a beatiful wedding! cozumel is the perfect place to do that!

and yes, margays eat monkeys, they like to add a little bit of salsa on top :) Maybe we can try it:) NOT!
Catherine said…
what a delightful idea to do something so lovely for someone else - strangers too!! very impressed!!
Fly Girl said…
Marina, it was beautful, if I must say so myself!

Catherine, I think I got more joy from it than Marissa and Brian!
Wendy said…
How lovely--for them to have you and for you to experience their happiness.
Fly Girl said…
Wnday, thanks. It was truly an unforgettable event.
Lola said…
Sounds like an amazing time. Cool that you officiated too!
Fly Girl said…
Lola, I know that wedding ceremonies have been a focus for you! COngrats!
Charlie in Bali said…
oooh HOW fun
so cute and last minute and care-free
and turned out beautifully
i am going to be organising something similar in bali. the candle path is definitely the option.
nice one!
Fly Girl said…
Bunny, I'm so glad you discovered some options from this ceremony.Thanks for visiting, I'm sure a Bali backdrop is lovely regardless of the details.
UrbanTravelGirl said…
What a heartwarming and BEAUTIFUL story! I know you'd told me the details before, but this is even lovelier than I pictured. Isn't travel a fabulous thing? Who knew what serendipity awaited you in Cozumel?!
Fly Girl said…
Maureen, thanks. You never know what awaits on the other side of that plane ride!

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