My Favorite Views

I'm an island girl and a city girl but no matter where I am, I love being near the water. In St. Lucia, that's easy of course. My all time favorite view is the gorgeous sweep of the Caribbean Sea with the Pitons looming over it. That's the dreamiest view that I've ever witnessed. When I'm in my hometown, the view of the Chicago River with Marina City (the round building) filling the skyline always energizes me. What's your favorite view?


Eileen said…
I'm a water baby as well, and any body of water (save the Mapocho, or the stinky ribbon that traverses this fine city) inspires me as well. I prefer the azure waters of frothy oceans and glacial lakes, but I'll take anything in a pinch. Or a river with rocks in it that gives good audio. I loved that view in Chicago when I was there! (which seems like a lifetime ago!)
Amanda said…
Oh, so many to choose from! My very favorite view is from Piazzale Michelangelo overlooking Florence. A close second is the view from my airplane window as we descend onto San Diego, CA because you can see the city skyline and the Coronado bay bridge - plus that means I'm coming back home!
Fly Girl said…
Eileen, frothy oceans get me everytime! Never thought about the audio, that's an interesting point.

Amanda, I can't even get into my fave Italian views because I wouldn't be able to stop. I can't believe you didn't mention any of the amazing vistas in Switzerland.
Lola said…
My husband and I have a "spot" on our island (one of Stockholm's 24,000+ islands) where we hike up to just take in the view and totally relax.

Here's a link of pictures -
marina villatoro said…
I'm a sucker for views. It's funny, I never thought it was important until I moved into one of my houses in Costa Rica and I had this to die for view of the volcanoes and valley. It was spectacular! And what a difference, after that, I am drawn to all views. However, I have to say, the ocean is still my favorite, especially when you get the sunset:)
Fly Girl said…
Lola, how romantic that you and your new husband have a fave view together! I never knew Stokholm had so many islands!

Marina, Costa Rica views are among my favorites as well. I love volcanoes. The sunset over any body of water is always stunning.
I'd like to say that my favorite view is from wherever I am. But... I love underwater views when snorkeling in the BVI and Hawaii. ~And there were some breathtaking views at Yosemite NP this past summer.
My parents seem drawn back to St Lucia every February to that gorgeous Anse Chastenet. I wish I could hop into their luggage too.
Fly Girl said…
Heather Footsteps, under water views are always good!

Heather Travel, Anse Chastenet is gorgeous. You must convince them to take you next year.
Catherine said…
I know both your favourite views - both good!! I have enjoyed a lot of fantastic views on my travels but my 2 favourites are in London - home!! one from the top of Greenwich Park from the Observatory overlooking the Thames and London, and the other from my favourite bench in Osterley Park overlooking the lake with the grey heron...
Wendy said…
I love the view of the ocean from the Pacific Coast Highway near Big Sur. I love the view of NYC from an airplane window.
Mary R said…
I love the view outside our living room sliding doors out to the ocean... we're so lucky to be living abroad in Japan right now and able to afford such a nice place. We'll probably never have this view again!

Love the bright sunhat in the photo. I also have a big pink one, but not as fashionable
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, London has some fab views, I agree!

Wendy, the ocean near Big Sur sounds dreamy.

Mary, The oceans just outside your living room? You are lucky!
Jennifer said…
Views different from what we're used to are a big part of vacation, aren't they? My favorite views are probably the Ponte Vecchio in Florence (because it means, hey, I'm in Italy!) and Waimea Canyon in Kauai (see above).

Travel, to me, means expanding our horizons, but simply looking at the horizon is pretty darn nice too.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
It's hard to choose views, but you did well.
Fly Girl said…
Jennifer, Florence is one of my favorite cities, any view from there is amazing. I agree, looking at horizons is fun anywhere, thanks for dropping by.

Jean-Luc, You've got to name a view, whether its in outerspace or the English countryside!
A Cuban In London said…
Like you, I am a sea person, too. That's why Brighton is my favourite city in the UK. I love walking down its promenade, just contemplating the sea. Lovely photos.

Greetings from London.
shantiwallah said…
I'm a huge view person. I'd stare out any window or over any balcony for hours if I could. I love the view from trains, especially in India because there are so many interesting little villages that I can wonder about. When my husband and I lived in Vietnam, there was a cafe we frequented on a fifth or sixth floor. I loved looking out into Ho Chi Minh City and waqtching the traffic, the people, the dogs, anything! And here in New Zealand, don't get me started on our beach and volcano views, whew!(I may be biased on that one)
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I've heard that Brighton is really pretty. I'm surprised you didn't mention any Cuba views!

Shanti,beach and volcano views are some of my faves, as you can see here!

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