My Favorite Views

I'm an island girl and a city girl but no matter where I am, I love being near the water. In St. Lucia, that's easy of course. My all time favorite view is the gorgeous sweep of the Caribbean Sea with the Pitons looming over it. That's the dreamiest view that I've ever witnessed. When I'm in my hometown, the view of the Chicago River with Marina City (the round building) filling the skyline always energizes me. What's your favorite view?
Amanda, I can't even get into my fave Italian views because I wouldn't be able to stop. I can't believe you didn't mention any of the amazing vistas in Switzerland.
Here's a link of pictures -
Marina, Costa Rica views are among my favorites as well. I love volcanoes. The sunset over any body of water is always stunning.
Heather Travel, Anse Chastenet is gorgeous. You must convince them to take you next year.
Love the bright sunhat in the photo. I also have a big pink one, but not as fashionable
Wendy, the ocean near Big Sur sounds dreamy.
Mary, The oceans just outside your living room? You are lucky!
Travel, to me, means expanding our horizons, but simply looking at the horizon is pretty darn nice too.
Jean-Luc, You've got to name a view, whether its in outerspace or the English countryside!
Greetings from London.
Shanti,beach and volcano views are some of my faves, as you can see here!