Mounting Mayan Ruins

I like to climb. Hills, mountains, volcanoes or anything offering a scenic backdrop inspires me to scale untold heights. I never seem to feel the same inspiration for climbing stairs. I think my legs are spoiled from climbing so many stunning structures. A climbing standout was in Belize, at the Xunantunich Mayan ruins. The site is a classic period (300-900 AD)ceremonial center adorned with large plazas and pyramids. The tallest, El Castillo, rises 130 feet. I watched barefoot children scamper up the crumbling stones and I eventually followed them. The climb is steep and the sun blazes down mercilessly. I was rewarded with a gorgeous panoramic view of the jungle canopy, Belize River and a glimpse of Guatemala just over the border.


Jason said…
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A Cuban In London said…
Thanks for the view. I love trekking as opposed to climbing. Mind you, in the Sierra Nevada, where we go every two years or so, there's a lot of both trekking and climbing combined. Lovely post.

Greetings from London.
Kelly Virella said…
I didn't know you were into hiking too. We gotta make some mountains locally and then go. Here's a pic I took on my most recent camping trip, on the summit of a hill at a California state park, just north of San Francisco:

It's unreal isn't it?
Amanda said…
Looks spectacular. Which reminds me, I need to climb more ruins...
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I wouldn't mind treking the Sierra Nevada, sounds beautiful!

Kelly, I think loving to hike and climb is a capricorn thing. We will have to climb some mountains together. You're right, that view is unreal!

Amanda, I know you do plently of climbing in Switzerland but Mayan ruins are a whole other thing!
marina villatoro said…
Ironically, i never did the mayan ruins in belize. I did them in mexico, guatemala, and honduras.

They look gorgeous. I love belize!
I'm a climber too. I always appreciate my view a little more when I've had to work for it!
Fly Girl said…
Marina, I think those countries have you covered as far as Mayan ruins!
Heather, I know you love to climb and hike everywhere. I think you're a little more inspired than I am!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
What a spectacular journey. Such beautiful sights.
shantiwallah said…
It's not so much I climbing part I like, but I always do it because of the reward at the top. I especially love the feeling of the inevitable breeze that cools you down once you get up there.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, it's the beauty that motivates me.

Shanti, you are so right! That breeze is part of the reward.
Beauty Is Diverse said…
I've never been hiking before I would love to go one day.
Catherine said…
This does look a really beautiful site... and one I haven´t been to yet... did you enjoy the rest of Belize as a travel destination?? I have only briefly been to Caye caulker. A favourite site i recently discovered here in Mexico is El Tajin - gorgeous place too
Fly Girl said…
Tifanny, you should try it one day, there are lots of stylish hiking boots!

Catherine, Belize is great, although I was only there for a few days.
kristine said…
hey when were you here? I hope we didnt miss each other?
Fly Girl said…
Kristine, no, this is from a couple of year ago. I'd let you know if I come back to Belize!

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