Next Stop: Eleuthera

I'm headed for a press trip to Eleuthera, (El Loo thra) a Bahamian out island famous for its quiet beauty. Pink sand beaches are another Eleuthera claim to fame and you know how I love pink sand. I'll be delving into the history and culture of this 110 miles long island, which was the first European settlement in the Bahamas. I plan to take in bone fishing, a weekly fish fry jump up and hang out at Elvina's, the legendary beach side bar noted for Lenny Kravitz jam sessions. I'll be gone for the rest of the week but expect dreamy Eleuthera updates by next week.


Anonymous said…
Looking forward to your words of reflection
Amanda said…
Pink sand!!?? Where have you been all my life?

Lucky you - enjoy every minute of your trip! Bon voyage!
Ekua said…
Lucky! It's getting cold here and I'm not liking it. Looking forward to hearing about it so I can live vicariously through you ;) Have fun!
A Cuban In London said…
I look forward to those posts. And thanks for including the pronounciation. I was wrecking my brain trying to figure out how to say the name. :-)

Greetings from London.
Lola said…
Have an exciting time!
Mary and Sean said…
Such a wonderful life you have! I'm looking forward to seeing the pink sand, as I've never laid eyes on the stuff.

Do you have any good tips for breaking into travel writing? I'm trying to get started, but don't know how to start.
Catherine said…
what a great place to go for work...have fun.. and love that starfish shot...
Jean-Luc Picard said…
I haven't heard of this location. Looki forward to finding out about it.
marina k. Villatoro said…
hey, what a great place. i don't know how you keep up with your blogging while traveling. i've been traveling for the past 3 weeks and it's so hard to stay on top of anything:)

hope you had a great thanksgiving!
Ooh lucky you, I long for some Caribbean sunshine at this time of year
Fly Girl said…
Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I actually needed it. I almost didn't make it to Eleuthera due to a crazy airport adventure. Updates and details to follow..
Marie said…
Have an awesome time! Can't wait to read your posts with jealousy;-)
Ekua said…
I love the starfish picture! By the way, I am adding you to my blogroll!

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