Help For Haiti

Yesterday, a 7.0- magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, on the Caribbean island of Hispanola.  It was the worst earthquake to hit the country in 200 years, with the equivalent power of serveral nuclear bombs. When I heard the news last night, I couldn't believe it. Haiti is a country full of proud people, a vibrant culture and significant history but it suffers with violence, cruel politics and brutal poverty.  A disaster like this, piled upon  the other miseries just seems  unbearable.  When I was in the Dominican Republic, which shares Hispanola with Haiti, evidence of the agony and injustice that Haitians have to endure was unmistakable. Haitians were not allowed to cross the Dominican border, were widely discriminated against and agencies have documented Haitians being enslaved by Dominican plantation owners. I'll never forget the stoic faces of the Haitians that I spoke to. And now this.  Haiti's capitol, Port- au-Prince, has been devastated, with collapsed buildings and bodies lining the streets. Officials expect the death toll to exceed 100,000.

Haiti needs help. The easiest way is to text  "Yele" to 501501, this will automatically donate $5 to Haitian muscian Wyclef Jean's Yele Haiti Foundation and be charged to your cell phone bill.  Or you can donate $10 to the Red Cross to help by texting "Haiti" to 90999.  You can also donate with a Visa card to Oxfam to provide relief.  For a list of authorized agencies to donate relief for the Haiti earthquake, go here.  The Red Cross and Unicief are charities that I regularly support so I 'm making my donations through them. I'm also in contact with the active Haitian community here in Chicago to figure out what supplies need to be shipped to Haiti. What will you do to help Haiti?


Ibou said…
It's tragic. Now we must do what we can to help the Haiian people.
Bri said…
This is so saddening.
Trinidad is sending aid but I would like to go and help in any way I can.

I read about the oppression of Haitians...Massacre River and the racism that still rampant today.

This is very tragic.

As David Rudder said Haiti , I'm sorry.
Fly Girl said…
Ibou,there has been an outpouring of aid so there is hope.

Bri,there is a need for aid workers but I don't know how volunteers are traveling to Haiti right now because most airlines have suspended service to the island. It is heartbreaking but I'm hopeful about all the outpouring of help and concern.
A Cuban In London said…
Like you, I was shocked when I heard the news. It was the last thing they needed. And like you, I was appalled at the way Haitians are viewed in DR. When I was there in '99 I couldn't help making defensive comments on behalf of Haitians. Even our rep in DR was biased against them.

That was a powerful and strong post. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.
Anonymous said…
For UK residents, I would suggest donating through to add on the tax claims to the donation, which is what I did.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, thanks. The injustice and ill treatment of Haitians just really upsets me.

Sherene, thanks for the info and for dropping by.
bryna said…
good job on posting this.
Fly Girl said…
Bryna, I'm glad if you found it helpful. Thanks for dropping by.
Beauty Is Diverse said…
My cousin's boyfriend is Haitian and so far they have only been able to contact 1 family member. It's really difficult since the communications are down and people have no way of finding out if their loved one is hurt or ok.
Fly Girl said…
Tiffany, the Tom Joyner Radio Show will be in Haiti tomorrow to set up an internet cafe so families can contact each other. I pray that it helps a lot of people.
Lola said…
The outpouring of support from all over the world has been nothing short of inspiring.

Every little bit helps. Will be penning a post soon.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
An awful tragedy. I know many in britain are contributing.
Fly Girl said…
Lola, the response has truly been magnificent.

Jean-Luc, Britain and most of the the world have contributed!
This is very very tragic indeed. Haitians have endured so many hardships in this lifetime. I hope the world come together to help their nation - not just today, but continuously.
Fly Girl said…
Jen, I totally join you in the hope that this positive attention to Haiti continues.
Beauty Is Diverse said…
Update: my cousins boyfriend they made contact with the family on saturday everyone is alive and fine.
Fly Girl said…
Tiffany, That's wonderful! I'm so glad that there is some good news in this tragedy.
shantiwallah said…
I too was in shock when I turned on the news. Haiti? Why Haiti and why now? Nobody deserves this but I truly hope the wonderful outpouring of aid will help in this serious tragedy. Being a small country, we heard immediately that a NZer and her daughter were among the survivors. Unfortunately, her Haitian husband and two other children were not. Tiffany, I am so glad of your good news. I cannot begin to imagine what this means on a personal level for so many thousands of people.
Thank you for posting this!

For any New Zealanders who may have followed here, we can donate to Oxfam NZ .
Fly Girl said…
Shanti, thanks for that info.

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