The Narrowest Place On Earth: Eleuthera's Glass Window Bridge

On the northern tip of Eleuthera, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Caribbean Sea on the other, the Glass Window Bridge dramatically rises from a natural rock formation. Covered in craggy cliffs and ridges, while periodically splashed by aggressive waves, the area exudes an eerie vibe.  At Glass Window Bridge, Eleuthera narrows to an isthmus only as wide as the bridge itself, which is why it's called the narrowest place on earth. It's also the only place on the island that I fellt uneasy.  Only later did I learn that rogue waves, sometimes as high as 100 feet, sometimes wash people and vehicles into the ocean.


Eileen said…
eep. but you know how to swim, I'm sure! 100 foot rogue waves in the Carribean? I had no idea...
Beauty Is Diverse said…
I agree with Jean Luc.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, its not scary until you get close and look down!

Eileen, I don't think my swimming skills are advanced enough to handle those waves.

TIffany,the lovliness can be very misleading!
Avis said…
The hint of danger makes it all the more thrilling a vista, I suspect. Happy 2010!
Fly Girl said…
Avis, I didn't even know about the danger until afterwards. I'm not sure I would have been as excited to go there if I had known before. Happy new year and thanks for stopping by!
Mary and Sean said…
goodness, can you imagine driving along and then all of the sudden getting swept into the sea?
Fly Girl said…
Mary, I can, that's why it was so eerie to me!
Catherine said…
so glad the rogue waves stayed away...what a fascinating corner of the world!!
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, I'm glad too!

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