Sunset on Eleuthera

The Caribbean reaps lot of attention for golden sun, powdery sand beaches and turquoise water.  And it's true, all of these elements  offer enough beauty to soothe your frazzled soul.  But there's one Caribbean attraction that I think deserves more notice.  It's the sunsets. There's nothing more gorgeous than a blazing sunset over a stretch of water. I make it a point to capture a sunset on every island I visit. The drama of it all is enough to make me forget the sun and just come out at sunset.

I captured this setting sun in Eleuthera, at the Cove resort.  The property boasts a lookout tower just to watch spectacles like this.

Watching the sun gently dip over water, with palm trees casting shadows, is one of my favorite island activities.  What's your favorite way to enjoy the beauty of a destination?


Beauty Is Diverse said…
I would have to agree the sunset is my favorite beauty of a destination. I love the blend of colours in the sky as the sun sets.
PJ said…
Nice shots, Fly Girl!

We love sunsets on Eleuthera!

Fly Girl said…
Tiffany, the colors are my favorite part too.

PJ, what's not to love? Thanks for dropping by.
A Cuban In London said…
Ahhh... you make me jealous, you know you do. Forget Eleuthera. You put it better. The Caribbean. My Caribbean. Many thanks. That was a beautiful, wonderful tribute to my Caribbean. :-) (sighs) Have a brilliant weekend.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Oh Cubano, if I had A Cuban sunset, I'd post it for you. But you're off to Malysia so I just don't feel that sorry for you!
Catherine said…
i was enjoying beautiful sunsets down near Acapulco last weekend - everyone sits in rows on the sand as if they are watching a film at the you I like watching sunsets or soaking up the perfect place to read...
ps - finally got round to posting that Quetzal pic for you..
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, sunsets and a beautiful place to read sound like good travel options. I heard there was some violence in Acapullco a few days ago, glad you weren't there. Off to see the Quetzal!
eden said…
Those are spectacular sunset photos. The beach is always my favourite place to watch sunset and sunrise. Have a nice weekend!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
A fine sunset on a beautiful location
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, the sunsets were brilliant on Eleuthera.
Rachel Cotterill said…
I love sunrises and sunsets - especially if we're in a tent, in the middle of nowhere when it's really peaceful, and can watch the sun set from curled up in our sleeping bags.
Lola said…
Beautiful! I never tire of sunsets.
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, I've never watched a sunset from a sleeping bag but it sounds fun.

Lola, I think sunsets are like the sun itself, you should always appreciate them.
hotel bedding said…
Such pretty images :)
Eleuthera is known for being a quiet and peaceful island spread over with miles of beautiful sandy beaches and coral reefs, which represents the beautiful and serene ambiance that is the best destination for recreation and rejuvenation for sure.

Moreover, you must visit Virginia, The Shenandoah Valley where you must see the very marvelous destination to visit Woodruff Inns Resorts. It is the best place to spend your vacations, honey moons and special holidays.

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