99 Steps

While you're at Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort in St. Thomas, there's one comment that you're bound to hear. It's not, "what stunning views this mountain top hotel has!" Or " that beach really has a lot of fish." No. What you will hear in the lobby, in the restaurants or at the pool is "I can't believe you have to walk up all those steps just to get to the pool!"  This irritated me to no end because it seems to me that if you're going to loll around the pool all day, a little step climbing isn't going to kill you. Granted, as you can see from these pix, that staircase wasn't some little 10-12 step number.

This is a real, winding, staircase with 99 steps and you will work your thigh muscles climbing it. But if you're not elderly or disabled, I don't see what the fuss is about. After all, just a few minutes clopping downs those stairs will get you


                                               And this.                
 Nonetheless, the majority of the resort's visitors opted to wait for the shuttle to drop them off at the edge of the pool, lest they have to move around too much. There's nothing that irks me more than complaining tourists. I just feel like they should leave the negative opinions at home and concentrate on enjoying their travels. What's your traveling pet peeve?


A Cuban In London said…
For a view and a beach like that, I would RUN up and down those steps!

And thanks for reminding me the Chicago connection in 'High Fidelity'. I'd forgot about it. :-)

Greetings from Kuala Lumpur.
eden said…
I dont mind climbing those 99 steps just to get to such beautiful pool and with stunning views. The water looks so inviting.
Thanks for the visit and have a nice day always.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I like to think that Chicago was the starring role in the movie!

Eden, I'm with you.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
I'm sure it feels like 999 steps after going up them! Great views!
Fly Girl said…
It's actually not as bad as it looks.
Eileen said…
shouting! shouting is my pet peeve. Whatever you're doing, you should turn it down a little! But the kvetching is no fun either, of course. Those stairs totally look worth it. That pool is gorgeous!
Beauty Is Diverse said…
Those are a lot of steps nice views though.
Mary and Sean said…
What a great pool those steps lead to!

My travel pet peeve is people who get easily exasperated if they have a communication issue about something... they expect other people to speak their language and then get all upset if they don't.
Fly Girl said…
Eileen, the stairs are worth it and they help tone your legs! Shouting? Are tourists shouting in Chile hoping that people will understand them better?

Tiffany, yes, there are a lot of them.

Mary, that's one of mine too! Travel should be about learning about other cultures and adapting.
Radical Selfie said…
Beautiful photos, as usual! I agree with you that tourists should keep those kinds of complaints to themselves, but people will be who they are, no matter where they are!

My traveling pet peeve is when someone comes into a country and expects the people from the country to do things in a way that best serves them (the tourists). For example, when people get mad that everyone in a restaurant doesn't speak English. Um, hello, YOU'RE IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY, GET OVER YOURSELF!!

Wheeew, that felt good :) Happy travels, Sis!
Fly Girl said…
Akila, that's my main pet peeve too! Don't leave your country if you want a place that's exactly the same, is what I always feel like screaming at clueless toursits.
shantiwallah said…
I'm in the "yes, I'd climb for that pool" camp, too.

I hate it when someone spots you as the only other foreigner on the bus/train and so sits down next to you and proceeds to complain loudly. Then everyone thinks you are of the same ilk. Actually, what IS with all the complaining? Those people who expect things to be like at home should stay at home, I reckon.
Fly Girl said…
Shanti, I'm with you!
Wendy said…
Looks well worth the walk up or down to me. I dislike when people compare everything to home. "We don't do it like this at home...The curry isn't like this at home..." etc etc.
Fly Girl said…
Wenday, that's anothet one of mine too. It just doesn' make sense to me. What's the point of leaving home if you're going to do that?

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