A Fauna Fountain

I've seen a lot of things during my travels but I've never seen a fountain like this.  It stands in a sunny corner of historic Fernandina Beach and it looks like a creative art installation. I stared at it for a long time, trying to discover exactly what its for. Washing dishes?  Splashing nearby plants?  Look closely.  There's a tiny fountain at the bottom, a huge fountain at the right and a normal sized fountain on the left.  What in the world do you do with all of them?  Turns out that this is the Duryee Fountain, built in  the 1870s, by the wife of an army officer.  She loved animals, perhaps a little bit more than humans so she commissioned this fountain to give water to horses, cats and dogs and humans! Now what did you think it was for?


A Cuban In London said…
Morning ablutions. :-)

No, seriously. These colonials had funny ideas about animals. And humans. I love the way they loved the former to the detriment of the latter living in the barracks. :-)

The photo is marvellous and the history behind fascinating.

Greetings from London.
Eileen said…
I'm glad the humans got in on it, we do almost seem like an afterthought!
Cate said…
Smart woman, I thought the small one could be for birds or large spiders and the rest for other types of animals.A bit redundant but def a piece of art.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I think you're right.

Eileen, I think that humans definitely came last in her considerations.

Cate,Large spiders! I don't think I'd want to join insects while drinking!
Beauty Is Diverse said…
I like the detailing on the fountain.
Fly Girl said…
Tiffany, the detailing and workmanship are beautiful, it's the purpose that's weird.
Jesson Balaoing said…
nice post,,,..... magnificent fixtures
Fly Girl said…
Jesson and Rey Ann, thanks and thanks also for dropping by!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
The fountain has a good history. Thanks for telling us about it.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, I never would have figured out that history if the history museum hadn't helped!
eden said…
I have never seen a fountain like this. Truly amazing. Thank you for sharing this.

Have a great week ahead!
Anonymous said…
nice photo's really like it!
Fly Girl said…
Trainer, thanks for dropping by!

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