Hang Gliding Over Lookout Mountain

I like adventure. There's something about pushing yourself past the familiar and grabbing a new experience that always excites me. So when offered the chance to fly over Tennessee and Georgia, from the stunning Lookout Mountain, I literally jumped at the opportunity.  I toured Chattanooga, Tennessee on a sponsored press trip and nothing will stick in my memory like hang gliding. A lot of people assume that's it's a frightening experience but I frankly am more afraid flying inside of an airplane. I felt no abrupt stomach drop, no heart palpitations, just the breezy sensation of flying through the air.  As I blew over trees and pastures with my instructor Eric ,I felt like I was riding a kite.  It was fun and intoxicating. What travel adventure will you always remember?


Wendy said…
It looks like it would be a great experience but a fear of heights would keep my away.
Anonymous said…
A fear of heights can be quite rational, and in the context of flying, healthy.
A Cuban In London said…
Right, confession time. I read your post a few times before I plucked up the courage to respond because it made feel scared! :-)

I have love/hate relationship with flying. I know that I would be attracted to gliding if I tried it, but I can't even bring myself to start off. Isn't that funny?

I love the post and the freedom it carries. I sometimes find myself staring down below at a road from the safety of a tall building and wondering what it would be like to just let go, and drop down. Oh, crazy thoughts, I know. :-)

Fab article.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Wendy, the videographer for my flight, Susan, has a fear of heights that kept her from hang gliding as well. It's not something for somebody who has a serious fear of heights but if you don't it's worth trying.

Anonymous, yes, that's totally true.

Cubano,did the flight look scary? It looked like fun to me and it was. Again, if you have a struggle with heights, hang gliding isn't the place to face it. I don't think your thoughts are crazy at all, it's your subconscious pushing you to challenge your hesitation about heights.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
That looks very risky!
Andrea Janise said…
Oh...so this is what it was like! Nice! Looks like fun. Great video...and great blog too!
Jesson Balaoing said…
thats very good experience so fun so cute!!!
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, not at all! I was strapped in and we had a parachute.

Andrea, thanks so much for dropping by!

Jesson and Rey Ann, it was a lot of fun.
How FUN!! I'm glad you had such an exciting opportunity and that you've shared it with the rest of us.
Fly Girl said…
Heather, I knew you'd appreciate this!
Maryandsean said…
I was just browsing for summer adventures and thought about hang-gliding. So, it was a great experience, huh? Maybe I'll have to try it. Good for you!

As far a travel adventures go, my favorite has been a zipline over the trees and ocean in OKinawa.
Fly Girl said…
Mary, I definitely think you should try it! It's not nearly as scary as zip lining.
Lola said…
Fantastic, Roz!! Looks like so much fun. I personally would be screaming all the wayyyyyy up.

Fun video!
Catherine said…
way to go ....what a great adventure...
Fly Girl said…
Lola, I thought I would too but it was really not scary!

Catherine, oh it was!
Anonymous said…
i thought this is so fun, fun, fun,!!
Fly Girl said…
Strainer, thanks, it really was.
Marie said…
Sorry I'm late! I'm finally back in the blogging business and I couldn't wait to comment on this. What a cool video of the experience. I never thought I could do hang-gliding but this looks like fun. I'm pretty sure I couldn't throw myself off a cliff, but taking off from the ground? Maybe!

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