Horseback Riding with Honey

I love horses. One of my favorite activities wherever I travel is to go horseback riding. There's nothing like exploring a place on horseback, grabbing a totally different perspective. Sometimes, the horses don't always love me back. I've ridden bossy horses that refuse to move. Hungry horses that insist on snacking on nearby bushes instead of galloping and nervous horses that spook  if I dare to hold their reins a tad too tight. So when arrangements for my horseback ride on Amelia Island were planned, I requested a friendly, gentle horse.  Those qualities can be relative but with Debbie Manser, owner of Amelia Island Horseback Riding, I was well taken care of. She paired me with Honey, shown above. I've never met an animal that personified their name quite so perfectly as sweet-natured Honey.

We rode along a luminous stretch of American Beach just as the sun was about to set.

Debbie guided Honey along the shore and even in the water's edge. Honey trotted slowly and galloped carefully, according to what she sensed that I needed.  I took in the beauty of the dunes and the lapping waves without a worry.

Debbie takes in rescue horses and expertly trains them so that they respond to every command. As you can see, Honey even poses for photos!   It was the most beautiful and pleasant horseback riding adventure that I've ever experienced. After the sunset, I gave Honey a treat, which she gobbled eagerly, almost as eagerly as I'll be heading back to Amelia Island.


Mary and Sean said…
Looks like a nice time. I wish I loved riding horses, but somehow I don't like it at all. I think I never learned how properly and I have a mental block against it. I prefer walking on my own and exploring that way.

How'd you feel the next day?
A Cuban In London said…
I feel jealous, jealous and super-jealous of you. :-) Because I've never been on a horse in my life! How did that happen? My wife loves horses. Everytime we go on holidays and we're driving through countryside she starts going: 'Oh, look at those horses! So pretty, so nice! I would lvoe to ride one!' My daughter loves horses, too.

What a fabulous post and great photos. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Mary, horseback riding isn't for everyone but it's a really a fun experience if you're open to it. The next day, my legs were slightly stiff but I think it was because I'd also rode a Segway and a bike the same day.

Cubano, I don't understand either, how did that happen? You are in the land of horse riding fanatics, there is no excuse for you not to ride a horse at least once. Do it for your wife!
The perspective would be a little different at that height and pace, I expect. I generally run or walk beaches. Sounds like I need to branch out a little!
Fly Girl said…
Heather, I thought for sure that you were a horseback rider! You definitely must try it.
eden said…
Wow, how I wish I could do that. I've never been horse riding but I love to try. Honey is such a gorgeous horse. I love all your pictures especially the third one.

Have a nice day!
Fly Girl said…
Eden, you should try horseback riding It's not hard at all!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
What a therapeautic activity. I would love to do it.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, it is theraputic and soothing and a lot of fun.
Rachel Cotterill said…
I've never ridden a horse; I think I'd prefer to stick to a bicycle where I know I'm in control.
Wendy said…
Riding a horse along a beach is the way to go!
Beauty Is Diverse said…
I've never been horse riding i've always wanted to go. I should really try and go some day.
Fly Girl said…
Jesson, thanks.

Rachel, you can't be anti-horse in horse country!

Wendy, yes it is!

TIffany, Stop putting it off!
Beauty Is Diverse said…
Lol thanks for the motivation :)
Maxine said…
Sheer paradise.
Unknown said…
I am so happy to read about this and in Florida wow, omg will be looking at doing this. Horseback riding is fun and not as easy as some think. I took a trip on a young lass in Costa Rica..loved it!!. Excellent post.
Fly Girl said…
Tiffany, no problem!

Maxine, it was divine.

Cate, I highling reccomend it when you're in Florida. You're right, it's not as easy as it looks.
bweiss said…
I would go on any vacation that has horseback riding included in the vacation package

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