Shrimp Charades

Amelia Island's main town of Fernandina Beach is lined with sprawling Victorian houses, palm trees, cobblestone streets and, shrimp.  That's right.  Amelia Island is famous for creating the modern shrimping industry in 1900 and its annual Shrimp Festival attracts thousands to the tiny isle.  So yes, shrimp makes up a significant part of Amelia Island's identity.  Throughout Fernandina, whimsical shrimp sculptures dot the lush landscape.  The structures help raise funds for Mica's Place, a local domestic violence intervention center.  I loved spotting these silly creatures wherever I journeyed on the island, they each display a particular personality.  The mosaic shrimp above is called Cool, Coastal, Captivating Cutie and she lounges in the park in the Fernandina Historic District.

This is Rock Shrimp and he's my favorite.  It helps that he hangs out right by the local ice cream and fudge shop but I love him for his rock star style.

The name of this sculpture is Fernandina Shrimp O'Maze and she shows various Fernandina landmarks  all over her body.

Brandishing a cutlass and a moustache, this shrimp made me laugh the most. His name is Jack Parrow-Prawn and he sports fierce guy liner!


It's hard to outdo sparkles.  This shrimp is called Jewels and she shines outside the door of a local jewelry store.

Overlooking Fernandina Beach harbor, on the porch of Brett's Waterway Cafe, perches Ariel, Shrimp a la primavera extraordinaire.  Her name is a little much for me but her mermaid theme is very cute.  Which shrimp is your favorite?


HereBeDragons said…
LOL! Those crack me up.
Really? Shrimp statues? Looks like they belong outside a fast food chain.
Ekua said…
These kinda creep me out to be honest, but cute idea!
shrimp said…
I love the pirate one! They're really cute. But of course that won't stop me from eating them, lol! Shrimp is like my all time favorite. I learned to love my kitchen because of shrimp. And of course, I got tons of shrimp recipes! Grilling them, though is my favorite thing to do. I really think that it's so simple, so classy (with a little presentation) and so yummy!
Fly Girl said…
Jen, they really are funny and you'll find no shrimp fast food chains on Amelia Island!

Ekua,shrimp do look weird don't they?

Shrimp, you'd love Amelia Island, it's a shrimp lovers paradise. I'm allergic so I didn't get to sample them but they looked delicious. Thanks for stopping by.
Beauty Is Diverse said…
I like all of them but the pirate is my fav.

Fly Girl said…
TIffany, both the pirate and the rocker were done by the same artists, I think they are pretty creative.
eden said…
Beautiful shrimp sculptures and our favourite is the last one. Thank you for sharing. Me and my daughter enjoyed this post so much.
Fly Girl said…
Eden, I'm so glad your daughter got to see these too! Mermaids are always popular with little girls.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Very colourful and innovative. They look very bright.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, oh they are! They almost competed with the blazing Florida sun.
Unknown said…
Very whimsical,and a good event for kids. I wonder what the future holds for the shrimping industry here.
A Cuban In London said…
I laughed out loud with these photos. I love shrimps or prawns as we call them here in the UK. I love the Kingsize ones, but these ones beat the ones from my local Chinese takeaway hands down! :-)

Greetings from London.
Radical Selfie said…
Bwahahahaha! The Jack Parrow-Prawn gave me a good case of the giggles!! Thanks for sharing :)
Fly Girl said…
Cate, the shrimping industry is a little shaky here because of the Gulf spill.

Cubano, all scorpios love their crustracean cousins!

Akilah, he is cute!
amelia island resorts said…
These kinda creep me out to be honest, but cute idea!
amelia island hotels said…
Really excellent picture.good.
Fly Girl said…
Resorts, I know they are a little odd but so fascinating!

Hotels, thanks!

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