Next Stop: New York

I'm headed to the Big Apple and will be exploring as much as I can for the rest of the week.  I'll be celebrating our anniversary with my hubby, topped off with a Broadway visit to attend Fela! The Musical. (I have to stuff my dancing shoes into my carry on.)  We'll also stop by the Statue of Liberty, catch Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre at Summerstage in Central Park, make our way to Brooklyn and indulge in the decadent Taste Harlem food tour one more time.  Stay tuned for posts at the end of next week.


Beauty Is Diverse said…
Nice, i'll be in NYC in September, and will need some recommendations good places to eat.
Fly Girl said…
TIffany, I'll take notes for you!
A Cuban In London said…
Right. OK. Stop. THIS IS NOT FAIR!

Fela the musical, Alvin Ailey, the Big Apple. I feel so jealous, you have no idea.

We've got tickets to see Alvin Ailey in September when they come to London, but you will be watching Fela!!! Man, I read the review in The New Yorker recently and they were raving about it.

I am already looking forward to your posts. One of my favourite cities in the world (without having ever visited it), one of my favourite dance companies and one of my top musicians. It makes me want to play the album 'He Miss Road' right now. :-)

Have a fab trip. You deserve it.

Greetings from London.
eden said…
Advance Happy Anniversary and many more to come.

Looking forward to your next posts.

Happy trip .
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I know how you love Alvin Ailey, I almost felt guilty writing it. I am beside myself about Fela. I will send the rhythms to you across the ocean!

Eden, thanks so much.
Lola said…
Happy anniversary and have a fantastic trip!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Sounds like there are lots of exciting things to do in New York!
A Girl in Asia said…
Sounds great - have an amazing time!!
Rachel Cotterill said…
I hope you have a great time - look forwards to hearing all about it :)
Fly Girl said…
Lola, Jean-Luc, Asia, Rachel, thanks for all the well wishes. My posts will be up soon.
Nice! When's Puerto Rico for you??
Fly Girl said…
Heather, we'll be in PR at the end of August. Maybe we can connect!
Unknown said…
Now don't forget those Kushyfoot things for walking around the oh so clean airport floors. NYC has a lot going on this summer...
Wendy said…
Happy Anniversary and I hope you are having a great time in my home town.
Fly Girl said…
Cate, Ha! I had on my Kushyfoots each and every time my feet touched the airport floor.

Wendy, thanks. Your home town exhausted me but it was so much fun.
Unknown said…
It's a wonderful place to visit. Happy Anniversary!!
Fly Girl said…
Roschelle, thanks so much.

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