Shrimp Sense

Amelia Island may be famous for its shrimp but I spotted a form of the pink delicacies that I was not expecting at all. I was strolling down the sunny, cobblestone streets on a historical tour when my guide stopped and plucked a curving, pink branch from the flowering bush above.  "What does that look like to you?" My guide asked, showing me the blossoms close up.  It looks like a shrimp!  Hence the name shrimp plant.  They grow all over the island and my guide insisted that they will grow just about anywhere. Well, not in Chicago, I informed him.  Not enough sun. Two weeks ago, guess what I spied for sale in front of my local grocery store? It was a vividly blooming, potted shrimp plant. In Chicago. I've never seen them here before and don't know how long they'll last but it just goes to show that sometimes things don't always make sense but it doesn't mean they can't happen.


A Cuban In London said…
For some reason 'prawn plant' wouldn't have the same effect in Spanish. :-) Shrimp it stays.

Thanks for the introduction to Shrimpy. :-)

Greetings from London.
eden said…
These flowers bring back childhood memories. We used to pick these flowers near a river and offered them for "Flores de Mayo Novena". Great shots. Thanks for sharing.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I reather like prawn plant, can't beat alliteration!

Eden,Oh that's a wonderful memory!
Jesson Balaoing said…
love those flower's!!!
Wendy said…
They are gorgeous. Do they smell as good as they look?
Fly Girl said…
Jesson, so do I.

Wendy, I didn't get a particular scent from them but I wasn't really paying attention. I was looking at how closely they resemble shrimp.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
They look beautiful. I'm not too familiar with many flowers, but rthey do look good.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, I don't think they grow in England because of the climate.
Rachel Cotterill said…
What an interesting plant! I don't think I've ever seen one of those.
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, it really is. I don't think it gorws in Western Europe, it originated in Mexico.
Mary and Sean said…
Another reason that travel is so wonderful... learning about different places and the things that distinguish them. If you'd never been to Amelia Island, you might have just passed them by without a thought.
Funny! Can't beat jumbo sized prawns. I love the pink coloring.
Fly Girl said…
Mary, you're exactly right!

Heather, they are jumbo aren't they?
Beauty Is Diverse said…
Those flowers are beautiful and do look like shrimp at first glance.
Unknown said…
I've wondered what these plants are all about, my husband albeit a local to Florida lacks any botanical knowlege on the plants around this state. Thank goodness for travellers!
Fly Girl said…
Tiffany, they really do.

Cate, I'm glad I could help!

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