Arty New York

One of my favorite things about New York city is the vibrant art scene. You don't even have to step foot into an art gallery, art surrounds you everywhere.  I snapped these public art displays during my long strolls though Harlem. The first two murals were painted by school children and the next to last mural graces the subway. The stately bronze sculpture is of legendary freedom fighter Harriet Tubman, casting her protection over Harlem streets.


Unknown said…
the "Entrance Uptown" is awesome. New York is such an awesome place. I can't say that enough. =D
eden said…
NY is such a beautiful place. Lots of things to see and do. I love these arts. They are beautiful and colourful. Hope to visit there someday.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Quite dazzling and colourful.
Fly Girl said…
Roschelle, that mural is really easy to miss on the subway but I think it captures NY energy so well.

Eden, there are non-stop activities in NY but the public art is something you can actually relax and enjoy.

Jean-Luc, yes they are!
Rachel Cotterill said…
I love public art like that - fabulous :)
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, I think art for all is the best way to eaxerience it.
Beauty Is Diverse said…
The artwork is lovely.
Fly Girl said…
Tiffany, I think it is too. Public art offers so much more than beautifying a place, it creates a whole aura.
Mary said…
These are gorgeous! Do you know anything about them? How they were commissioned? Who were the artists?
Fly Girl said…
Mary, I was just wondering around when I saw most of them. I know the first one was comissioned by a community group for neighborhood kids to create. The Harriet Tubman sculpture was also recently comissioned by a community group.
Unknown said…
Talent is everywhere, why go into a gallery when you can see the real work outside.
Ekua said…
I love public art, especially when you find it places that might be conventionally considered ugly. I just love the idea of people trying to beautify a place in whatever way they can.
Fly Girl said…
Cate, that's a really good point. I have nver believe that art needs to be legitimized by galleries and museums, it's everywhere.

Ekua, none of these places were conventionally ugly except the subway!

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