Next Stop: St Kitts and Puerto Rico

 I'm off to St. Kitts and then Puerto Rico and hopefully, I'll be spying lots of the little creatures above.  St Kitts is filled with vervet or green monkeys, imported from Africa by the French centuries ago.  Today, the monkey population is estimated to be two and half times larger than than human population of St. Kitts and Nevis. I plan to capture some pix of these cute guys as well as kayak, bike and maybe scale Mt. Liamuiga volcano. In Puerto Rico, I'll be spending my family vacation lounging and hiking through El Yunque rain forest on the lovely Boricua island.  Look out for pix and posts in September!


Rachel Cotterill said…
Sounds like a plan :) Hope you have a great time!
Jen said…
I rode through the St. Kitts countryside on an ATV, and it is just breathtaking. I hope you get to see lots of monkeys! I saw a few... and they are very big fans of Coca-Cola! LOL

I've wanted to hike through El Yunque, so I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!

Have fun!
eden said…
How cute! I love to see them in the wild too. I can't wait to see your pictures. Hope you have a wonderful vacation.
Unknown said…
can't wait to see your pics. i love the little monkeys. i think they are just too cute.

have fun!!
Unknown said…
I wonder, are these monkeys nasty or nice? Pretty cool to see them though and in a beautiful place like jealous!
Mary said…
What a life you lead... when I come back to the States, can we go on vacation together?
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Enjoy it. That's a super picture.
Fly Girl said…
Thanks for the good tidings everyone. I saw my share of monkeys and more as well as the beginnings of Hurrican Earl. Posts coming soon!

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