Gratitude Kittitian Style

It's easy to take things for granted. Especially when you have been blessed to live in a place that's filled with tropical lushness and a lovely rolling landscape. I quickly learned that Kittitians are a very thankful people. It's evident from their graciousness, to their eagerness to share their beautiful island. But I was taken aback when I saw this display. Who paints phrases on a house? Apparently, a very thankful Kittitian who was provided with a government-funded home.  It wasn't enough for the owner to lovingly deck out the place with sky blue hues and painted roses. They wanted to always remember the source of their good fortune. It made me stop and think about how grateful I was to even be in St. Kitts, admiring the beauty of the island and its people. What are you grateful for?


Unknown said…
Life, health, family and wonderful friends..

oh, and Lord a sane mind. at least i think it is =D
A Cuban In London said…
What a beautiful gesture. I'm just grateful for life itself. It never ceases to amaze me.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Roschelle, I think a sane mind is really eas to take for granted until you lose it!
Cubano, life itself is the ultimate blessing.
Grateful Nation said…
We are grateful for all our volunteers today who will be making the 3rd Annual Tennis Event fund raiser for the BID Medical Center a success! Grateful Nation is an online community that gives grateful people the opportunity and resources to connect, give back, and be thankful. Jump into the unending cycle of gratitude here at Grateful Nation
Fly Girl said…
Nation, what a wonderful website! Grateful Nation's focusing on ways to be grateful and give back is one of the most impressive organizations that I've seen in a while. This is my favorite quote that I found on the site:

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
-- G.K. Chesterton
Cate said…
I would be showing my gratitude as well, possibly a little more discreetly though. Health including good eyesight, relatively ok hearing and perfect nasal senses, plus a patient hubby and well let me think... the ability to string sentences together in conversation, writing and reading.
Fly Girl said…
Cate, I think more discreet is my gratitude style too!
Wendy said…
My loved ones, good health, plenty of opportunity and the privilege of being able to travel.
Fly Girl said…
Wendy, I second all of those!
Mary R said…
I love seeing homes around the world where people can express themselves any way they want!

I'm grateful for my health, my husband, friends, and family. If everything else besides those things were taken away, I'd be okay.
eden said…
My life, loving husband, healthy kids, beautiful friends and all the beauty of nature around me.
Fly Girl said…
Mary, I love it too. It's always interesting to see how other people fashion their homes.

Eden, the beauty of nature is one that we should always remember.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
IOf StKitts is like that, no wonder vit's so popular.
Rachel Cotterill said…
That's very cool :) I'm grateful for a lot of things... I don't know if I express it enough!
Catherine said…
what a lovely gesture - and a lovely painted house too...

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