Ting With A Sting

Forget rum punch, in St. Kitts the ideal beach cooler is a refreshing brew of Ting soda with CSR (Cane Spirit Rothschild).  After ginger beer, Ting has always been my favorite Caribbean drink.  A zesty carbonated grapefruit soda, there's nothing more refreshing under the hot Caribbean sun.  When I was at restaurants and on the beach in St. Kitts, 'Ting With A Sting" is all that I heard requested.  I know that cane liquor can be dangerously potent so the sting part scared me and I never tried the drink. But I like the way it sounds, like the name of a crucial undercover investigative mission. Are there any drinks that you discovered on your travels that had dazzling names?


Jean-Luc Picard said…
Now Ting does look tasty!
Unknown said…
Ting looks deadly especially when coupled with a sting like sugar cane liquor. Can't think of any drinks with dazzling names, just one that taste like lighter fluid -- grappa.
Unknown said…
it all looks very tasty! too bad i've got to head back to work tonight. i could use some ting or any(ting) to drink right about now!
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, oh it is!

Cate, Ha! You think grappa tastes like lighter fluid? That's hillarious.

Roschelle, Ting would definitely make work bearable!
Ekua said…
I love it when you introduce types of food and drink that aren't so well known :) Something I tried once in Ghana that I didn't know existed was Overproof Rum from somewhere in the Caribbean. I'm not sure if that qualifies as "dazzling" but it sounds lethal. I guess it was stronger than what's allowed in the States and definitely meant to be had in very small doses ;)
Fly Girl said…
Ekua, Overproof Rum? I've never heard of it but then I'm not a spirits expert. It sounds dangerous!
A Cuban In London said…
I love the onomatopoeic effect of the name, even if I've been teetotal for many years now.

Many thanks for such a 'zesty' post. :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, ahh zesty indeed! Lol.
Michelle Amiee said…
Although I love rum punch, "Ting With A Sting" sounds pretty nice!
Fly Girl said…
Michelle, I really don't know if I'd call it nice but it looks like it packs a punch! THanks for dropping by.
Rachel Cotterill said…
That sounds interesting - I've never heard of it before. I'll have to try it if I ever get to that part of the world :D
eden said…
I can't think of any drinks with dazzling names. I love ginger beer but love to try this if given a chance. It sounds yummy...
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, it's a St. Kitts thing, you'd have to visit to hear about it.

Eden, ginger beer tastes dazzling to me!

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