Sailing St. Kitts Sky Safari

Zip lines may look like the latest travel torture trend but it appears a lot scarier than it is. Imagine flying above the trees, sharing views with birds and monkeys.  You get so captured by the sights that you forget that you're thousands of feet in the air. I've zipped through plenty of rain forests and tree tops but St. Kitts Sky Safari was a slightly different experience.

That's Kelly in the photo above. He helped my group cover our bodies in the pounds of required equipment. Unlike other zip lines, Sky Safari uses a carriage that you actually sit on, making it more comfortable and secure. The first contraption was a bodysuit/harness that would do any super hero proud. This was topped by a helmet and trolley carriage that we toted on our shoulders.

Here, Jody models the sexiness of the entire getup. With Mt. Liamuiga looming ahead of us, we flew through the rain forest at 1,350 feet. The first zip line is dubbed The Boss and it towers 250 feet above the rain forest.  That little line was nothing compared to Mango Tango, which measures 1000 feet in the sky. The platform is framed by a massive mango tree, which is where it gets its name.  Next there's Brimstone Blast, overlooking the historical Brimstone Hill Fortress and then River Rocker, which sails above Wingfield River.

The two-hour adventure supplied me with gorgeous panoramic views of the entire island.  Lush scenery surrounded me everywhere and I felt like I was connected to every aspect of St. Kitts natural elements.  It was a beautiful feeling and experience.


Jean-Luc Picard said…
Jody makes a good model for the outfit! What a great adventure it looked.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, Jody is quite sultry, even in zipline gear!
Michelle Amiee said…
Goodness, this sounds AMAZING. I would LOVE to zip through any Caribbean landscape. Another favorite of mine is jetskiing in the Caribbean sea. There is something so freeing about it, plus the fact that some handsome West Indian man is in the driver's seat!
Anonymous said…
Oh, I love ziplines, but I believe you when you say this one was scary! Did you like all the extra stuff with you? What were the landings like? For me, the worst part is when you come in fast at the end of the line.
MinnieRunner said…
I wanted to try zip line too :D
Fly Girl said…
Michelle, I haven't tried jetskiing but now it's on my lists.

Traveler, It only looked scary. No, I didn't particularlly like all that stuff but it was a more comfortable ride. The landings were a little jarring, as with most zips.

Minnie, I highly reccomend it. Thanks for visiting.
A Cuban In London said…
I envy you for your braveness. I would have to be re-assured a thousand times before I harness myself to one of those zip lines. :-)

Great photos.

Greetings from London.
I love love love ziplining! Looks like you had a splendid time!
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I'm sure you would love it!

Heather,I love it too. It's the best way to see the rainforest.
eden said…
Wow, what an adventure! I haven't tried zip line. I hope someday.
Beauty Is Diverse said…
This sounds like so much fun.
Fly Girl said…
Eden, I really hope you will try zip lining. There's no other experience like it.

TIffany, oh it was!
Unknown said…
We are planning on doing this in December. We have 2 in our party that are somewhat afraid of heights. Is it really that bad?
Is there a lot of hiking to the platforms? Can you bring a camera on the zipline?
Fly Girl said…
Mary, you can bring your camera and it's not that bad at all. It's avery secure outfit. You are transported to the first platform in a truck and then you hike to the rest. It's about 10-15 minutes of hiking. I don't think it's a major for people afraid of heights, it's really not that high up and they start you off on a small, low platform. Hope that helps!

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