Genips and Sea Grapes and Figs, Oh My!

I love tropical fruit, the more exotic, the better.  Whenever I travel to the Caribbean, I make a point of visiting the local markets or vendors for local fruit. In St. Kitts, genips, shown above, are sold on almost every street corner of Basseterre. Genips are like lychees, you peel them and suck out the pulp, around the seed which is slimy and slightly sweet.

Figs are what Kittitians call the miniature bananas pictured above. I don't like bananas but I do enjoy figs, which are sweeter and creamier than the bananas grown in the U.S.

Sea grapes grow on towering trees that tend to grow near the sea. This sweet fruit is also sold by many street vendors in St. Kitts. There's nothing like nibbling on a juicy bunch, as the sun warms your shoulders. Do you have a favorite fruit that you discovered on your travels?


lisa said…
I didn't know those were like lychee. I wish I'd tried them while I was on St. Kitts. I bet they're amazing.
Fly Girl said…
Lisa, they are similar to lychee but I like lychee better. Did you see genips when you were on St. Kitts? Thanks for dropping by.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
You're a font of knowledge regarding things that are around the world.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, thanks!
eden said…
Those bananas are similar to what we have in the Philippines. My first time to see genips and sea grapes. I think I would love them.
Fly Girl said…
Eden, I think you would too!
Mary R said…
Those sea grapes look delicious! We have them in Okinawa too, but the word here describes a type of seaweed with little green spindly balls. I actually love them!
A Cuban In London said…
Genips. You just taught me something new. Now, I have another reason to go to my local African-Caribbean market. :-)

Great post. I loved lychees when I was in Malaysia recently.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Mary, seaweed? I know it's healthy but it's probably the only thing that reeks of the sea that I'm not carzy about.

Cubano, genips are very interesting, I don't know if I saw them at the African Caribbean market when I was last in London but I think you'll like them.
Catherine said…
love the different selection of fruits here - my favourite is the mango here - delish!! my least favourite discovery - the durian in Thailand...
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, Mexican mangos and avocados are my favorites.
Steve said…
When I was in Exuma, I saw these sea grape trees but not the fruit. Must have been too early in the season. Gives me an excuse to return!

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