Sand Dollars, Skeletons and The Season

I've just finished decorating my Christmas tree, which always inspires me to think about the origins of many of my ornaments.  Glittery, beaded, balls from India are favorites, as well as embroidered bells from Italy. But the most unexpected decoration is a pure white sand dollar I got from St. Croix. Sand dollars make elegant Christmas ornaments and are commonly used in coastal areas and the Caribbean. The pretty sand dollar-covered tree above was captured in Eleuthera, with echos of the sea right outside. I never realized that sand dollars are fuzzy sea creatures similar to starfish. The sand dollars that wash ashore are actually skeletons.  Decorating a tree with skeletons gives a whole other perception that doesn't quite fit with the holiday season but I still think they're pretty. Will you be decorating with any souvenirs from your travels this season?


Fly Girl said…
Tiffany, thanks. There's nothing like a touch of the beach during the winter.
A Cuban In London said…
Although not a Xmas person myself, I loved your travelogue-style touch. In our house it's my wife and the kids who decorate our Christmas tree. I always plea the same defence: I was born in Cuba, we never celebrated Christmas there. :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, oh I know, I know but surely there's a way to Cubanize the holiday. Perhaps decking the halls with avocados instead of holly?
Lola said…
Really pretty! I've always wanted a real Christmas tree.

I've usually just decorated artificial ficus trees with cheap lights :)
Fly Girl said…
Lola, you mean you have a fake Christmas tree amid all the Scandinavian scenery? Shame!
Most of our ornaments have been gathered from our travels. Decorating always unleashes miles of memories. And it's fun to share our adventures via our tree with visiting friends.

On the sand dollars, we love finding them with our toes out in the surf. We send them back down to the sandy bottom since they're still alive -but it's fun to hunt them!
Fly Girl said…
Heather,that's sounds like such fun! Hunting sand dollars with your toes is one activity I never considered...
PNR Status said…
Really very nice! I've always wanted a real Christmas tree.
eden said…
My first time to see sand dollars used in Christmas tree decoration and I love it. Its really a pretty.
Fly Girl said…
PNR, real Christmas trees are one of the joys of the season, thanks for dropping by.

Eden, it is very pretty, it's a great unexpected decorating idea.
Rachel Cotterill said…
I never heard of a sand dollar - how interesting :)
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, you only see them in warm coastal areas. They really make pretty ornaments, you can actually buy them at craft shops just like sea shells.
Mary R said…
Love love love your tree! This Xmas, our tree is decorated with cellphone charms we've accumulated in Japan!
Fly Girl said…
Mary, Japanese decorations are always pretty, I bet it's an elegant tree.
Wendy said…
Gorgeous tree and room. Very inviting.
Dominique said…
I've gathered a lot of my ornaments from my travels as well. I did a post about some of the ornaments from my travels a couple of years back, and participated in a round-up about bloggers and their favorite ornaments from their travels this year.
It's fun to relive the trips each year when I decorate my tree..and it's really interesting to see how many other folks seem to do the same thing :)
lynne Jordan said…
Wow! Your tree was fantastic. and your place is smokin'!

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