Cream Skimming in Puerto Rico

Continuing with my bird theme, because you know, frigid January temps and piles of snow just make me think of birds. We observed this crafty critter while we were on vacation in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. Notice how he just perches non-chalantly on the creamer's tip. I think he was actually whistling a pretty tune to distract us.

Then he takes a quick glance around. Any humans approaching? Perhaps to claim the abandoned cream?  Nope. They're all too busy cramming their faces and soaking up the sun.

The coast is clear. Sipping down the cream, he scores!  The bird drained the cup so quick, you would think he was storing it up for his Starbucks habit. Have you observed any funny animal scenes during your travels?


A Cuban In London said…
Naughty bird! No, seriously, it reminded me of this seagull I saw last summer in Wales and how it was tucking into a bag of chips like there was no tomorrow. :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, a chip munching seagull sounds like a funny spectacle!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Werll taken nature photos!
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, it's nature at its sneakist!
eden said…
Hahahaha.. What a funny bird! Thank you for capturing those moments and sharing the photos with us.
Fly Girl said…
Eden, I'm sure you've caught some amusing animals in Australia!
lynne Jordan said…
Aww man... so wonderful -especially the naughty bird! have to think back on any funny animal stories while traveling...
Fly Girl said…
Lynne, I'm sure you can think of some!
Catherine said…
is that one of those sneaky Grackels??
Fly Girl said…
Grackels? That sounds like an evil creature in a fairy tale!
Rachel Cotterill said…
Aww, cute. I bet it would only have been tipped away otherwise and wasted.
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, actually, the waitress was on her way to get it when this sneaky bird gobbled every drop.
Wendy said…
I've come across thieving, cheeky monkeys in Asia. They love grabbing sunglasses off tables etc when no one is looking.
Fly Girl said…
Wendy, I've seen some of those cheeky monkeys too!
bARE-eYED sUN said…
hello. :-)

picked up on you over at A Cuban in London.

i'm enjoying your blog and will visit again. lotsa value in running away to far off places if inly by proxy. thank you.

i know Fajardo from my youth, gorgeous beaches and marinas. this little blackbird is called a Pitirre - the sound he makes when calling out.

kudos on a well organized blog,
and thanks for sharing.

Andrew Graeme Gould said…
Another catch up here for me on older posts of yours that I haven't got to till now, Rosalind -- and what a nice one here!

Talking of animal behaviour -- although this isn't quite the same -- I've just thought of the dogs that were always near by at the outdoor buffet lunches at out hotel many years ago when we were in Tahiti. Being a non meat eater, the restaurant staff very kindly kept up with a plentiful supply of tuna steaks for me. These actually proved to be too plentiful, but the dogs were always willing to lend a hand, by appearing from under the table very discreetly, never giving me away!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, that is too funny! Did you ever get a photo of the dogs?

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