Peter the Barbados Birdman

My best friend Sheila the Bajan Beach Bunny, travels to Barbados frequently. I have been pushing for her to get a nice oceanfront house so that we can all ditch Chicago and live in the Barbados sunshine but until that happens, she unselfishly supplies me with many tales of laid back Bajan life. A favorite is Peter, the Birdman. A sculptor and painter, Peter in the picture above, carves intricate  bird designs out of coconut shells.

His gallery is the pearly-sand beach in front of Amaryllis Hotel in Hastings.  Perched in the sand, you'll see delicate lovebirds topping bowls, branches and containers. Peter sits in the sun and creates his art under the shade of palm trees, with waves lapping in the background.

Such a peaceful work setting attracts not just art fans but locals, who lounge on tree stumps, card tables and car hoods to eat lunch, discuss politics or just watch Peter's magic. Visitors can browse through Peter's portfolio, which features photos of his lovebirds in homes all over the world.

With the coconut shell birds swaying in the sea breeze and the turquoise water framing the scene, Peter's art gallery truly looks like a slice of paradise.


Rachel Cotterill said…
I love those birds! What an incredible souvenir to bring home.
A Cuban In London said…
Wow! That's all I can say. Wow, wow, wow. The idea is incredible and his creativity inspirational. Many thanks for bringing this little gem to our attention.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, my friend has several of them and I'm going back to Barbados just to get my own!

Cubano,creativity just seems to flow in a relaxed paradise!
eden said…
Wow, those are beautiful. What a great idea!
Fly Girl said…
Eden, ideas just seem to flow on a lovely beach!
Ekua said…
I love these! Can you get them anywhere in the States or online?
Fly Girl said…
Ekua, I love them to but I'm afarid there's no web shop on the beach! The only way to get these is go to Barbados but If you're interested, I can give you Peter's address and you can contact him to mail one for you.
mary R said…
I love the carving of the humming birds! I hope you do an interview with Peter and try to get it published, or a review or something. It's such a dreamy setting for a gallery!
Fly Girl said…
Mary, that's the plan! A profile of a local like Peter is just the thing that excites many of my mag editors.
Jane said…
Looks like he is really enjoying himself with his art, charming.
Fly Girl said…
Jane, I think he is. Thanks for visiting.
lynne Jordan said…
Wonderful! Peter's gallery is fabulous in the sand amongst the plant life there...

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