Hiking El Yunque Rain Forest

Of all of natures wonders, rain forests remain one of my favorites. I love being surrounded by lush greenery and vivid tropical flowers. It's like wading through the Garden of Eden.  So I was excited to hike though El Yunque rain forest in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. We started at the Yokahu Tower observation deck, climbing about 100 stairs.

Looking out over the tower, the views were stunning. A canopy of vibrant plants seemed to cradle the sky.

Taking in the mountains, I realized that it wasn't going to be an easy hike. According to Taino legend, the good spirit of Yokahu reined supreme on these mountains, protecting Puerto Rico and its people. I don't know if it was protecting me but lets just say that the 3-hour  hike was very strenuous.

Since it's a rain forest, it rained half the time we tread through the trails. I was chilly for awhile and then the sun blazed down and it was hot. We glimpsed chartreuse Puerto Rican parrots and languid streams like the one above.

The highlight was a large waterfall at the end of the trail. People threw off their clothes to cool off under the cascading water. I perched on a rock and absorbed the beauty of El Yunque.


MinnieRunner said…
Seeing that waterfall after the hike is refreshing isn't it? Wish I could go hiking too someday.
Fly Girl said…
Minnie, there's nothing like a waterfall after a long hike!
A Cuban In London said…
I've heard of this one, purely because we have a similar place in Cuba. I mentioned it to a couple of Puerto Rican friends many years ago and they said that there was one in their country, too.

Many thanks. Love that waterfall.

Greetings from London.
eden said…
Wow, what an adventure! The views are magnificent. I love the waterfall too. The water looks so inviting. Thank you for taking us there :)

Have a great week.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, what's the name of the rain forest in Cuba? You know it's on my list!

Eden,everybody loves a waterfall!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
How beautiful it all looks. That waterfall seems so refreshing.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, it looks especially beautiful on a snow-bound winter day!
Catherine said…
I love hiking through hot steamy rainforests too - especially when there is a cool waterfall at the end for a refreshing swim - this place looks perfect...
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, steamy is right! It was really, really humid but I love that kind of weather.
Alice said…
That waterfalls is a nice find! Looks like a beautiful hiker's haven.
Fly Girl said…
Alice, there were actually lots of families having picnics!
Unknown said…
I was there when I was 5 years old. I will be there again In December 47 years later. I am sure to love it.
Fly Girl said…
Rita, what a wonderful anniversary trip! Thanks for visiting.
Ali lev said…
I LOVE YOUR BLOG! So cute and so similar to my travel dreams. I am now following, check out my work in progress: http://moneuphorie.blogspot.com/
Fly Girl said…
Thanks Alexandra. I will visit you soon.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
What lovely lush greens in these beautiful scenes!

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