Next Stop: Kaua'i

The red dirt of Kaua'i's gorgeous coastline will be clinging to my feet as I explore the culture and history of Hawaii's oldest island, courtesy of the Kaua'i Visitor's Bureau.  I'll be covering the Prince Kuhio Cultural Celebration, a week-long festival in honor of Hawaii's most beloved monarch, who was the last  royal heir to the throne at the beginning of the 20th century. I'll also hike through the valleys of the striking Napali Coast pictured above, as well as checking out the Waimea Valley (The Grand Canyon of the Pacific), endangered Hawaiian monk seals at Poipu Beach Park and tracing the Koloa Heritage Trail, including a volcanic cone and sacred heiaus or temples. A tour of the Hanapepe artist colony and mountain tubing will round out my schedule for next week. Stay tuned for posts about my Kaua'i adventures at the end of the month, aloha!


MinnieRunner said…
Interesting! Can I join? Last week my officemates and I had a hike at Bukit Timah, Singapore. It is not that difficult; nevertheless, I enjoyed.
Fly Girl said…
Minnie, Of course you can join me! It's always more fun to hike with friends.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
That looks a fabulous place to visit!
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, it's supposed to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. I'm very excited!
Ekua said…
Kauai is the place to be these days! A few friends of mine went there last week. That pic alone makes me want to hop on a plane. Have fun!
Fly Girl said…
Ekua, it's the place to be now that the tsunami is gone! Come on and hop a plane and join me.
A Cuban In London said…
I can't wait. I know so little about Hawaii, its traditions and culture.

I look forward to more. :-)

Greetings from London.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful image. Your coming activities sound just so stimulating. I'll be following you.
Mary R said…
Oh this looks like a fabulous trip! Very active and organic, with lots of nature and fresh air. I'm sure you'll make the most of it!

I'm hoping when I get back to the states since this summer, I can start doing press trips too.
Toni said…
Wow FG - just wow! One place I have always wanted to go (I'll get there eventually).
I look forward to reading about your adventures!
Bluegreen Kirk said…
Fly Girl you seem to have a lot planned for your stay. How is the trip going so far? Make sure to take some photos for those who can make it to Hawaii.
Fly Girl said…
Thanks for the response everyone. Kaua'i was beyond what I hoped. Detailed posts coming soon!
MinnieRunner said…
Yeah, I wish I could really join. I love such adventures. Am waiting for your post about the hike :)
Rachel Cotterill said…
Gorgeous scenery! Can't wait to hear more about your trip :)
Jen Laced said…
You'll be in Hawai'i; I'll be in Argentina! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Looks like the Visitor's Bureau has some awesome activities planned for you! Happy travelling!
Catherine said…
what beautiful scenery - look forward to the next few posts....
AngelaCorrias said…
Wow, that looks gorgeous, really looking forward to your posts about a region I know next to nothing about!
Anonymous said…

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