How To Eat A Puka Dog

Just as you can't journey to New York and not sample a hot dog from a street vendor, you can't possibly visit Kauai and not eat a Puka Dog. It's a requirement. A Puka Dog is a Hawaiian style hot dog and trust me, it doesn't look or taste like any hot dog you've had before. It's a  grilled Polish sausage or a veggie dog cradled in a loaf of  toasted Hawaiian bread with a hole or "puka" punched into it. The bread is filled with a series of sauces that can make the experience alarmingly messy if you don't know how to handle it.  Fortunately, I was given detailed instructions on how to order and eat a Puka Dog.

First of all, just because they suggest a slew of sauces, doesn't mean you have to order them. The first sauce offered is a garlic lemon sauce that I was cautioned to skip to avoid sauce overload. So I did. Next you choose from a series of seven tropical relishes, which is my favorite part. You can choose from an overwhelming selection of  mango, pineapple, papaya, coconut, banana, guava or star fruit relish.  I went with star fruit because it was the most unusual to me. Then, you pick plain, Dijon or lilikoi mustard. Lilikoi is passion fruit so you know what I went with. Finally, you grab a cup of fresh squeezed lemonade and savor the flavors.

With sea breezes wafting through my hair, I gripped the dog with both hands and took a small bite. Both hands and small bites are essential when eating a Puka Dog if you don't want the sauces squirting everywhere. It's also easier if you wear skimpy clothes because lilikoi mustard wipes off your leg much faster than off your jeans. Overall, the sensation of the sweet star fruit relish mingled with the veggie dog and sharp mustard was delectable. I loved the fresh fruit flavors and the laid back atmosphere.My only problem with Puka Dogs is that they don't supply mainland delivery.


Siv Maria said…
I just ate dinner and you made me hungry again :)
Rose said…
Sounds so delicious and i get hungry again.... mmmm....
Fly Girl said…
Maria, I'm so sorry! I forgot to write my usual disclaimer about not reading the post before you eat.

Rose, I wrote this after I ate breakfast so I wouldn't be craving these delicious dogs myself. It didn't quite work...
A Girl in Asia said…
I'm not usually a hot dog lover but these sound quite good!
Fly Girl said…
Liz, hot dogs don't typically get me excited either but this was exceptional.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Now I'm hungry! I would love a pineapple pukadog!
Mad Bull said…
Sounds very interesting. If I ever go there, I'm going to have it. By the way, I've been to New York three times and I never tried the hot dogs. I never went to the top of the Empire State Building or to the Statue of Liberty either! I don't like heights. LOL
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, pineapple is one of my favorites too but I stepped out of my comfort zone with the star fruit.

Bull, Don't tell a New Yorker you never tried a hot dog! I don't eat meat so I was off the hook but my husband gobbled down one at midnight because locals insist it's pat of the experience. Thanks for dropping by.
Ekua said…
I saw these on No Reservations a while back. It actually kinda grosses me out! I can be picky about the combination of savory and sweet. I love tropical fruit and sausage hot dogs, but I just can't imagine I would want the two mixed together!
Fly Girl said…
Ekua, I totally understand. I'm one of those people that loves sweet and savory. If you go in for that combo, Puka dogs are wonderful.
A Cuban In London said…
Loved that image. I suppose this doesn't fall into the 'healthy' category. :-) But then again, I'm a sucker for hot dogs. Just the smell of them being grilled or fried, with sauteed onions... Hmmm, damn, and all I had for lunch was a potato salad! :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, well, since I had a veggie dog with star fruit relish, that counts as veggies and fruit right? Sounds healthy to me.
Thomas said…
That dog does really look great and as for the sauces i would have probably gone with your choices as well. Shorts and no shirt would make for easy clean up. How was the lemonade?
Fly Girl said…
Thomas, it was really good. The lemonade was okay, not as good as the hot dog but you need something to wash all the bread down. Thanks for dropping by!
Fly Girl said…
Anja, I'm sorry, but you have to go to Hawaii to get one! No delivery to NY!

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