The Wonders of Waimea Canyon

I'm back and I'm overwhelmed. My experiences in Kauai has altered me on so many levels that I didn't know where to begin with my posts. It has  actually taken me a weeks just to mentally shift back from Kauai and more days to decide what would be my first account. In a week of cultural exploration and natural spectacles, there's a lot to choose. So I went with the most dramatic.  Waimea Canyon unfolds with such dazzling beauty that it literally snatches your breath away.

It was a long, hour drive from the South Side of Kauai to the West Side, where the canyon stretches 14 miles long, one mile wide and 3,600 feet deep. I wasn't quite prepared when I faced these panoramas of crags and valley gorges, washed in shades of  emerald and russet. They don't call it the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" for nothing.

I know these pix look like  re-touched post cards or professional shots but I took them with my little Cannon 495. There really isn't much chance of taking bad photos of the canyon unless you get fog or clouds. I'm told that our group was very lucky to get a clear day because rain is inevitable on Kauai.

The views were almost too much to absorb. Every angle offered another perspective, every direction provided more beauty. The spiritual energy, as can be expected, was quite high and I actually became a little dizzy. I now completely understand the phrase, "dizzy with wonder."


A Cuban In London said…
Your magnificent post and images have just challenged my first preconception: that Hawaii is all about beaches and sensual dancing.

I can perfectly understand your current state of mind. I would be if I was exposed to this beautiful landscape. More, please, more!

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, the media image of Hawaii is extremely narrow and one-dimensional. The culture goes back thousands of years and there are so many elements to it. I will be tackling a little at a time. Thanks!
Unknown said…
Viewing photographs this beautiful fill me with joy and sadness. Joyous at the realization that places this beautiful exist in this world. And sad knowing I'll never have an opportunity to see many of them...

But I'm gonna try to get in as many as I can before my number's punched :)
Fly Girl said…
Roschelle, I'm sure you'll see lots of them before that number comes up!
Catherine said…
I had no idea the scenery was so breathtakingly beautiful here!!
Monica said…
Wow! Who knew?
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, Kauai is considered one of the most beautiful places on Earth and you can see why!

Monica, a lot of people didn't know but I'm hoping that awareness is growing. Thanks for visiting.
Angela said…
So nice that you have such a beautiful experience, your words exude excitement. Nature can really be overwhelming, isn't it? I'm never tired of being amazed by natural landscapes.
Fly Girl said…
Angela, thanks. I think there are so many surprising levels to nature's beauty that we will continue to be amazed.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
What amazing scenery. A place to put on the future travel list, then...
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, you could really do the island justice with your shots!
Spencer said…
Awesome pictures! I love the contrast between the lush foliage and the arid rocks.
Fly Girl said…
Spencer, thanks. I think that's a quality that stands out about Waimea. It's much greener than the Grand Canyon.

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