A Bed, A Beach and A Swing

I love the vibrancy of Mexican culture and whenever I visit, I always find a favorite spot to chill out and observe. Typically, it's a local cafe or a bench at a sprawling market. This time, thanks to the beauty of Playa Mujeres and the hospitality of Villa Del Palmar, my hang out was the bed above. Every morning, I sprawled on the cushions and observed the rolling waves  and the birds diving for fish. Does that sound a tad lazy?  Well, I'll have you know that I did get my exercise in. When I wasn't swimming or strolling the streets with the intense Mexican sun beating down on my head, I was flexing my muscles on a swing.

Yes, the beach Tiki Bar was adorned with swings and I made sure I took full advantage!  What's your favorite hang out during your travels?


Jean-Luc Picard said…
I'd pick that as a place to hang out!
A Cuban In London said…
I've never seen swings at a cafe. Unbelievable and surely comforting, too. Great to visit two of my favourite blogs and they both have photos of Mexico. The other one was Catherine's Small Fish in the Big Taco.

Greetings from London.
katie said…
Swings!!!! Now THAT'S my kind of place. (fyi, I love swings) :) My favorite places to hang out are any places I can people watch. Mostly cafes and beaches. :)
Rachel Cotterill said…
Oh, that looks so lovely! I usually find a local cafe to hang out in, coffee is an essential food group ;)
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc,, it was most relaxing!

Cubano, Mexico is a really colorful place, lots of photo ops!

Katie, It was so much fun. I'd be at a cafe if not for that tempting beach bed.

Rachel,I'm not a coffee drinker but I discovered an excellent mix of juices called jugo verde and that was my daily food group!
MinnieRunner said…
My favorite hangout? Hmmm, that'll be the hotel/room where I check in, LOL!
Lindi said…
I love the swings!! I did that once in a bar in Playa. I spent the entire day swinging, drinking, and meeting travelers. Love this !

My favorite hangout during travels tends to be the bar.. whatever bar I can find :) I'm a lush.
Fly Girl said…
Minnie, how can you see the sights in your hotel room?

Lindi, bars are very good for people watching!
Wendy said…
I'm heading to Mexico tomorrow and for the first time in years will be sitting myself on a beach rather than wandering colonial cities etc. It has to be done once in a while. Your recent posts have me extra glad I'm going- low season in Cozumel.
Fly Girl said…
Wendy, Cozumel is a wonderful place to lay on the beach! Have fun.
Thomas said…
Fly Girl I dont know if me and tiki bar with swings would be a good idea. I can only imagine that someone with 1 too many drinks is going to have a hard time staying balanced.
Fly Girl said…
Thomas, I think you're right. That's why I didn't finish my deadly Miami Vice cocktail!
Thomas said…
LOL that's funny! I would have finished the Miami Vice but just not sit in the swing. No need wasting good alcohol.
Fly Girl said…
Thomas, why am I not surprised that you value the alcohol over the bar swing experience!
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
Looks beautiful, and believe it or not, my favourite places are beaches, cafes and markets!

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