Hiking and biking through Kaua'i's Koloa Heritage Trail

Kaua'i is filled with so much history and culture that it can feel overwhelming. If you can look past the stunning vistas and awesome natural wonders, you'll discover the rich heritage of the Hawaiian people. With 10 miles and 5 million years of history, I knew that hiking the Koloa Heritage Trail would be a highlight of my Kaua'i visit. The sites are scattered over the island so it actually took me three days to see most of the monuments. The first was Spouting Horn Park, above. Early Hawaiians called blowhole puhis and an ancient legend chronicles the story of a giant lizard or mo'o that got caught in the puhi, shooting waves skyward as he struggled to escape. You can see the start of the spouting water in the photo above.

I biked to Prince Kuhio's Birthplace & Park, above.  The park is a lovely stretch of greenery accented with a pond and a bronze statue that marks Prince Kuhio's birthplace in Koloa.

The Pa'u a Laka or Moir Gardens is celebrated as one of the world's best tropical gardens. Brimming with vivid orchids and a lava rock pond covered with lilly pads, it literally looks like the garden of Eden.

I must admit, the uphill bike ride to  Makawehi and Pa'a Dunes was strenuous but well worth it.  I hiked to the top of  the lithified sand dunes and  absorbed the gorgeous panorama of the Kaua'i coastline.


Jean-Luc Picard said…
Many would be unaware all all this beauty.
katie said…

It's a shame I won't be going to Kaua'i on this trip. Your pictures are stunning.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, all you have to do is visit Kaua'i and it's everywhere.

Katie,I'm sorry that you won't go this time but I hope my pix can be a(pitiful)substitute.
Angela said…
It does look gorgeous, it's nice to read about hidden angles of Hawaii and its society..
Fly Girl said…
Angela, thanks!
A Cuban In London said…
I'm so, so desperate to do a biking holiday with my family. We're all keen bikers, but I'm afraid I'm the only one who can cycle long distances. I haven't been on a long cycling trip for aeons!

What a great set of photos.

And you got to SEE and INTERVIEW Bobi! I feel so jealous. She is one of my idols. Her voice is just mesmerising.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I love biking too but I've realized that biking in the streets at home is not quite like biking diverse terrain on my travels. Yes, interviewing Bobi was a very memorable experience. I told her she was the closest to capturing Celia Cruz that I'd ever heard.
Fly Girl said…
Pearls, it was even better in Person!
Catherine said…
good for you to bike all that way - the scenery looks well worth the effort...lovely post!
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, it was quite a workout but I came away very impressed with myself and the monuments made it well worth it.
Bluegreen Kirk said…
Hi Fly Girl,

I thought you were in Chicago? Were you just there for a few days? Hawaii is just a great place for you! You always look so happy there.
Fly Girl said…
Kirk, I live in Chicago but it doesn't mean I have to stay there! I'm not in Hawaii now but I'm headed for Mexico, stay tuned...
Bluegreen Kirk said…
Now you off to Mexico! Cant wait to hear about this trip. Please post some food while you are there.
Fly Girl said…
Kirk, I will post some delicious Mexican dishes just for you!

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