Next Stop: Montreal

I know I just got back from Mexico and I haven't blogged the details about my whale shark adventure yet but it's coming. In the meantime, I'm off to Montreal to cover the world's largest jazz festival as well as dive into the European charm of this Canadian city. I'll be checking out the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the Jean-Paul Gaultier exhibit, the legendary Jean -Talon market, Old Montreal,  the view from Mount Royal above and the weekly Tam Tam festival as well as all the other sights, sounds and tastes that I can handle. Stay tuned.


Jean-Luc Picard said…
Lucky you! Enjoy the festival!
A Cuban In London said…
You. Lucky. Lucky. You. Nuff said. Photos, please! And vibe, and atmosphere, and artists! :-) Please!

Mahy thanks. That's the one festival I would love to go to.

Greetings from London.
Bluegreen Kirk said…
Looking forward to post from Mexico and Montreal. I know we have some great food photos coming from Montreal so I can't wait.

Enjoy the festival!
Fly Girl said…
Jean Luc, Oh I am!

Cubano, you would totally love everything!

Kirk, those posts will be coming soon, make sure you aren`t hungry!
katie said…
AWESOME! I'm so happy that you're going to a new place! (personal question: How do you work around a work schedule and travel? I'm hoping to travel to new places as well.)
Fly Girl said…
Katie, I typically take 5 or 6 trips a year. I teach on Monday and Wednesdays and usually travel Thursday through Sunday. For longer trips, I schedule during Spring or Summer break.
Catherine said…
what a wonderful trip in store for you - Jazz and a cultured city - fab Do you know anything about Jazz festivals on the French Riviera??
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, cultured cities and music are two of my favorite things.No, I don't know about jazz Fests on the French Rivera but I have a French jazz expert who will certainly inform me and I'll let you know!
MinnieRunner said…
Wow, you are a well traveled individual. Is that a perk you are having for being a freelancer?
Fly Girl said…
Minnie, I am a travel writer so it helps to travel a little, lol!
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
How wonderful! Just where I want to go one of these days in the not too distant future. Looking foward to more on this from you.

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