Anne's Angst: Raspberry Cordial or Currant Wine

You can't go many places in Canada and not be greeted with a reference from the classic children's book,  set in Canada's Prince Edward Island, Anne of Green Gables.  But I was surprised and delighted to spot bottles of  raspberry cordial at Montreal's Jean-Talon Market. In a pivotal scene in the book, dramatic Anne serves her best friend Diana huge tumblers full of raspberry cordial. Only it's not zesty raspberry cordial but Marilla's  homemade currant wine and Diana stumbles home drunk.  Poor Anne is forever banned from seeing her best friend for getting her in such a wicked state. Sipping the fruity drink, I was transported to weeks reading the Anne of Green Gables books as a child and then reliving them with my daughter decades later. Have you ever seen anything that brought you back to your childhood during your travels?


katemade designs said…
Reading your post reminded me of an iPhone pic I took at Goodwill to send to my sister. You can see it here:
Fly Girl said…
Katie, what memories that pic brings back! Where was this Goodwill?
Angela said…
So nice, I was brought back to my childhood with something I absolutely didn't expect when I was in Shanghai. When I was very small (say about 25 years ago!) we had kind of teddy bears called "mon cicì" (written according to Italian pronunciation), then they disappeared completely, I've never seen them again until a couple of months ago in a shop in Shanghai completely devoted to this "monkey-doll". I was stunned, I could have never imagined they still existed!
Fly Girl said…
Angela, I remember those dolls! Weren't they the monkeys that could suck their thumbs? It's really bizarre when you're in another country and you are brought back to your childhood.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
So interestingh to know what Canadfa think of Anne.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, I don't konw if you're familiar with the books but Anne of Green Gables is beloved all over the world.
Ekua said…
Awesome, I will need to find this whenever I happen to go to Canada again. I read those books over and over again and at that part, I always wondered what raspberry cordial tastes like!
Fly Girl said…
Ekua, so did I1 Now that I'm an adult, I finally know. It tastes fruity and zesty like raspberry tea but with a syrupy potency.
Catherine said…
what a great story - it reminds me of when I went to Prince Edward Island and being stunned at the sight of swathes of young female Japanese tourists all wearing the Ann red braid wigs tucking in to giant lobsters - thanks for the reminder and greetings from France...
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, now that's a scene you'll never forget! The Anne books have left a permanent mark on millions of girls all over the world, including me.
Thomas | Jus Getaway said…
Ahh if its not food its drinks cant go wrong either way. I think I have been hit by your travel bug Fly Girl I need to travel more. Where you off to next.
Rachel Cotterill said…
So which drink was in your bottle? ;)
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, Ha! I believe it was the raspberry cordial and not that phantom current wine.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
Discovering new food and drink is one of the great pleasures for me -- in between photographing, of course! I'm afraid I can't answer your question very well on the spot, Rosalind. Not very original, I know, but the only thing I can think of at the moment which goes way back for me is the Heinz ketchup that I find on virtually every table in the US, and here in Canada, where I am at the moment. A big hi to you from Vancouver, then...
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, Heinz ketchup is probably a childhood staple for a lot of people. Is it hard to find in Chile?
mack reynolds said…
Excellent question! I was in Australia when I happened to see the back of a shirt some guy was wearing. The shirt said Cross Colors, which was a brand of clothing that was super popular when i was in the third grade. I got such a kick out of it I had to take a picture of it. What a funny coincidence.
Fly Girl said…
Mack, woh, Cross Colors isn't something I'd ever expect to see again, especially in Australia. Thanks for dropping by.
Mack Reynolds said…
No problem! I never thought I'd see that brand ever again. It was pretty awesome while it lasted.

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