Kaua'i Mountain Tubing

Kaua'i is a topographically diverse island filled with gorgeous canyons, lovely beaches and sweeping mountains. You have to experience all of these aspects to really get the complete picture of Kaua'i and one of the most adventurous options is to go mountain tubing. I love mountains and I love being in the water so mountain tubing sounded like a fun, if slightly scary excursion to try. I glimpsed the mountains looming over every place I visited on the island and I figured mountain tubing would be a much easier way to see them up close than hiking them. Kauai Backcountry features the only mountain tubing experience  on the gorgeous grounds of the former Lihue Plantation.  I not only gained upfront views of Kaua'i's  majestic mountains, I witnessed the expertise of the complex irrigation system of tunnels and flumes hand dug over a century ago. That's what I call an adventure.

The tour starts with the tour guide outfitting passengers in headlamps, gloves and tubes. Believe it or not, the trickiest part of the adventure was learning how to feel for the headlamp switch with thick gloves on. You need the lamp in the dark tunnels and I did not want to be floating around in pitch black caverns so I spent extra time perfecting my light switching technique.  I also brought my own water shoes which turned out to be a good idea because the area is one of the wettest places in the world and it gets really muddy.  Our group jumped into a four-wheel drive jeep and headed through the lush lands to the mountains.  The vistas and valleys are spectacular, as you can see from the image above. You really get a sense of connecting with nature.  One connection I didn't count on was how frigid the water would be.  My booty felt like a Popsicle as I hopped into a ditch on top of the tube and  floated until we came to a cave. We were instructed to turn our headlamps on and it was eerie and exciting floating through the dark with glimpses of cave walls and markings left by workers who built the system in 1870, which offered a great historical backdrop. Afterwards, a simple picnic lunch is served in a picturesque valley. It's a three-hour tour that really supplies an engaging view of Kaua'i nature and history.


Oneika said…
LOL @ your popsicle booty. You know, I really need to get to Hawaii, this is the second HI post I've seen today!
Fly Girl said…
Oneika, it's a sign! Hawaii will probably be on your 2012 travel list. Just try to avoid Popsicle booty, I don't recommend it.
A Cuban In London said…
I would be scader. Period. Plus, it would bring back memories of seeing fellow Cubans fleeing the island on inner tubes in the 90s. But good on you for trying. And those mountains do look beautiful.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, those memories would add a whole other level of fear, I don't think I could have done it if I had that experience.
Angela said…
This sounds lovely, your Hawaii posts make the islands really fascinating places to be discovered.
Fly Girl said…
Angela, the Hawaiian islands hold endless amounts of discovery, I hope you get a chance to visit.
Rachel Cotterill said…
That looks like wayyyyy too much fun! :D
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, once I got past the cold, it was!
How fun!! I love Kauai but never did the mountain tubing. Sounds like I'd want a wetsuit!
Fly Girl said…
Heather, a wet suit is exactly what I needed for that freezing water!
Discount Airfare said…
The river looks great and so fresh...This is a best summer destination to refresh and relax...Great place!!! I love nature and this is the best place for me...^_^
Fly Girl said…
Air, the canals were fresh and clear and cold! Thanks for dropping by.
Paul Kessler said…
I've been reading your posts recently on your site and they were all quite resourceful. I really enjoyed reading. I was wondering if you're open for guest bloggers? I can submit one that would definitely be enjoyed by your readers.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Regards, Paul.
Catherine said…
sounds like a really fun adventure and a good way to appreciate the natural beauty of the place...Greetings from the Riviera...
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
Quite an adventure, then. Love the lush looking scenery in the photos.
Sometimes the beauty of of Kaua`i's landscape can cause a real time lapse. Hikes can end up being longer or more vigorous than anticipated. Make sure you have some easy, high protein snacks on hand to help keep your energy strong on your adventure. Kaua`i can drench you with an unexpected shower any time of day, any time of year. Packing a lightweight waterproof jacket not only will keep you dry, but it will help keep you warm.
Fly Girl said…
Pattaya, thanks for the tips!

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