Avoiding The Inevitable at Orange Hill Beach

It's November. Which translates as cold in Chicago, which means the imminent arrival of snow, wind and misery. So how do I cope?  At the beach, of course. I traveled to Nassau over the weekend and spent hours at the beach soaking up the sun and sea as fortification for six months of freezing temperatures. Orange Hill Beach is a small public beach on the north end of Nassau. Lined with coral and mounds of seaweed, I found  the beach charming and mostly untouched. I  only shared the beach with seagulls and the odd beach walkers.

The tide was high but the water was warm and soothing. I floated in the waves and then sat on the beach absorbing the serenity.

I snapped pix using the KOLA manual color flash,, a collection of colorful plastic lens that I've been lugging around in my carry on for months but have always forgotten to use.  With such a pretty and  unfussy landscape, Orange Hill Beach provided the perfect opportunity to try it out.  First I used red.

Then the green to offset the turquoise hues of the ocean.

And finally, my favorite rose hue. Which do you like best and what are you doing to prepare for winter weather?


Oneika said…
How jealous I am! The weather has gotten horrible in London.
Fly Girl said…
Oneika, the weather in London rivals Chicago in its moodiness so get used to it!
A Cuban In London said…
I love your pictures. They did elave me with a strong sensation indeed. A kind of eerie feeling, especially the rose one. Many thanks. It's good to prepare yourself for a long winter. And yes, I've heard of Chicago. :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, an eerie feeling? There was a mysterious incident that happened to me on that beach. What does your Scorpio sense pick up?
Catherine said…
I am sure you are going to be here quite frequently over the next 6 months - it looks lovely!!
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, do you now something I don't, LoL?
smith said…
All the picture are great and i cannot imagine how would the weather of the London would be.
Unknown said…
beautiful pics!!!compliments!!amazing blog!!!i'm following you!!!
Fly Girl said…
Smith, thanks for dropping by.

Sabrina, thanks so much, I appreciate your support.
Mary R said…
What a gorgeous scene. I like all the colors, but natural lighting is my favorite by far! Beautiful blue ocean there! Like you, I'm going to escape the cold DC winter by a trip to Caribbean in the spring. I'm still excited by the change of seasons, but I'm sure by March, I'll be ready for some sun!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Why bdo ~I tolerate vthe cole in Britain when nI could be in Nassau?
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
What a great getaway! I like the natural look, but if pressed to choose from the colour filtered versions, I'd go for the last one, personally. And to answer your question, we're in spring over here, heading into summer. If it was the other way round, I'd go just about anywhere new with sun, as long as the humidity wasn't too high...
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, I don't know how you do it!

Andrew, that's my favorite as well.

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