The Last Bow For The Barefoot Diva

Cesaria Evora evoked the longing and melancholy of Cape Verde's morna like no other singer. The island nation of Cape Verde is located miles from the West African coast and centuries of isolation and frequent emigration by the small population helped develop the national music of yearning called morna.  Cesaria cradled the nuanced melodies of morna in her supple contralto voice so that no translation was needed. Morna is frequently compared to blues and Cesaria evoked the bearing of a true blues diva.  She gained international fame as a hard-drinking, cigarette-smoking, grandmother who always performed barefoot in solidarity with the poor. Her voice is haunting and unforgettable and her legacy will live on through 10 albums, a Grammy and the countless lives that she touched.


Catherine said…
Yes a terrible loss - I love her voice and music and did manage to see her in concert - this is a lovely photo of her and a great tribute
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, thanks. She was one of my favorites.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
We have recordings of Cesaria Evora, and saw a concert of hers at the Sydney Opera House not that long ago. She will certainly be missed...
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, you are so lucky to have seen her in concert!
Ekua said…
Beautiful, thanks for sharing. I had not heard of her before this. Reminds me of some of the sounds from the countryside of northern Brazil.
Fly Girl said…
Ekua, Cape Verde music has very similar rhythms because of the Portuguese connection. But there's something really deeply melancholy in Cape Verdean music that I've never heard in Brazilian music.
A Cuban In London said…
We lost a legend. Thanks for your touching post.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I'll be sad about this for a long time.
Adrian vultur said…
hi i loved this blog and found the topic really interesting , great site
Fly Girl said…
Adrian, thanks! I appreciate you dropping by.

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