Taking A Leap For Leap Year (Literally)

I blame it on Montreal. Roaming through  the streets of La Belle Ville means encountering all manner of circus arts, from stilt walkers in front of stores to aerialists on the streets. It's not the home of Cirque Du Soleil for nothing. I think such close encounters with high flying performers lodged a lot of curiosity in my mind. So when the notion of doing something unusual for Leap Year arrived what did I do? I signed up for flying trapeze class. I don't think this sort of learning environment would have seemed fun to me before Montreal.  I have not thought fully about all the details, I've just decided to do it.  After all, Chicago Trapeze School's  motto is "Forget fear. Worry about the addiction."  Right. So have your travels inspired you to do anything you wouldn't ordinarily do?


Catherine said…
what a great idea for a leap year - enjoy - I once took a leap of faith whist travelling - skydiving from 12000 ft in NZ to cure vertigo induced by the trauma of climbing Hellvellyn via Striding Edge in the Lake District UK - it worked!! Greetings from the Riviera...
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, that's a really huge leap! I don't think I could be so brave with skydiving, trapeze flying is scary enough!
A Cuban In London said…
I love the idea. I think the one thing I've picked up from the few countries I've been to is cooking. I've tried traditional Spanish food in the hsape of fabada and I have made traditional Malay food, too.

That was fun! Thanks.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cuban, I'm not surprised that your travel inspiration involves food. Traditional Malay food does sound like a fun adventure.
MinnieRunner said…
Wow! A flying trapeze class? I wouldn't have the courage to enroll at it. Salute to you!

Fly Girl said…
Minnie, I wouldn't have had the courage either-before I went to Montreal!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Way to scary for me! My stomach would detatch itself from me.
Fly Girl said…
Jean-Luc, it's scary for me too but I'm pushing past it!
Niecydodd said…
I have so much respect for you to be able to just "leap right in" and try new things. Way to be!
Fly Girl said…
Neicy, thanks so much! I'll write a post when I take the class. Thanks for dropping by.
Ireland Wanderer said…
I'm really scared of heights, but my friends convinced me to try bungee jumping when we were visiting France. It took 30 minutes of cajoling, but I jumped, and it was amazing! Traveling does make you do crazy things...
Fly Girl said…
Ireland, it's true, traveling really does inspire us to jump out of our comfort zones! Thanks for visiting.

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