Mayan Magic

The Spring Equinox in the Mayan Peninsula is a magical time. I didn't realize just how magical until I snapped this photo. No it is not photoshopped. No it is not posed. Cheray O' Neal  is feeding a french fry to the seagulls and they swooped down like a scene from The Birds.

It started with two seagulls hovering around for scraps. They hopped around, waiting for crumbs, as I've observed them do many times.

And then, swarms of them appeared as Cheray fed them fries. I've seen hungry birds. I've seen flocks of  seagulls (real ones, not the 80s band) soaring through the sky but I've never seen them gliding a few inches above my head.  It felt like magic and just a tad scary. Cheray had to ditch the fries before we were surrounded by a  fierce feathered  posse. I chalk it up to the magic of the Mayan Spring solstice. Either that or there was something in those fries...


katie said…
It IS magical and scary. I remember when my friend Amanda started feeding geese and then they turned and tried to attack us when she ran out of bread. (I kept telling her to stop.) We had to make a run for it in my car. I couldn't even back out until they began to go away.

Fly Girl said…
Katie, thanks. Geese are notoriously mean so I'm not shocked at your experience. I never knew that seagulls could be aggressive too.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
What a fabulous image, Rosalind! For me, this is the magic of photography -- to catch such a special moment, and have it come out as art, like this!

I'm making this my "Favourite image of the day", and will now Tweet, FB and G+ it as such!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, thanks so much! I'm not really a photographer so I really attribute to the magic of the Maya.
Ekua said…
Yeah, it's probably not the best idea to feed seagulls fries, but congrats on making what I call "rats with wings" look majestic in these pictures ;)
Fly Girl said…
Ekua, Ha! That's what I call pigeons I think seagulls are little more clean and elegant. They always hanging around the water, after all!
Catherine said…
Beautiful photos of a blue sky I remember all too well - did you see the serpent slither?
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, oh I did! posts to come! And those French Riviera skies look just as blue to me!

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