Next Stop: Yuctatan Peninusula

The uproar about the Mayan prophesy of the end of the world in 2012 was hilarious to me.  Western culture always searches for absolutes when life rarely operates that way. According to the Mayan long calendar, the old tumultuous cycle ended in December 2011 and 2012 unfolds a new, gentler cycle.  I will journey to the Yucatan Peninsula next week to witness the Mayan Spring Equinox at Chichen Itza,  This sacred Mayan site boasts 1,000 years of Maya and Toltec history as well as cultural and spiritual significance. The Spring and Autumn equinox were sacred times of healing for the Maya, when day and night equaled exactly the same length and when the "Descent of The Feathered Serpent"  down the Pyramid of Kukulcan pictured above, marked the season of rebirth and renewal.  I will hopefully witness the perfect alignment of the sun with the Kukulcan Pyramid, creating a play of light and shadow that conjures up the illusion of a massive reptile representing the feathered serpent god Kukulcan , slithering down the north side of the pyramid. This phenomena is just one of the demonstrations of the stunning astrological knowledge of the Maya. I'll also participate in other rituals, including swimming in a sacred cenote, which are ancient entrances to underground caves and river systems, the Maya considered them to be full of powerful spiritual energy.  So look for posts about my Mayan adventures after next week. Happy Spring!


Prehistoric sites UK said…
I imagine that this year there will be a lot of people visiting Maya site, thanks to that prophesy's really a much better experience if you can manage to visit Chichen Itza when there aren't any huge crowds around, it adds to the mystery of it all!
Catherine said…
Now I am envying you being in Mexico - I do miss it terribly!! hope you see that slithering serpent and give my love to Mexico - look forward to hearing more about your trip!!
Fly Girl said…
UK, I expect huge crowds as well. Chichen Itza is such a popular site that the only time it isn't crowded is in the early morning and I'm afraid I won't be there then. I'm still excited, though. Thanks for dropping by.

Catherine, I will give my love to Mexico for you and tell them how much fun you're having in the French Riviera!
Sheila said…
I welcome the coming of a new, gentler Cycle. Enjoy the experience. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more details. The Fun Continues
Fly Girl said…
Bajan Bunny, the cycle has started!
A Cuban In London said…
Like Catherine, I feel jealous. Especially because I once almost went to Yucatan with my former dance company. But since I was in the UK for a month (before relocating here for good) I missed out on rehearsals and I was left out of the trip. Thanks a lot for the information and the visual. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. By the way, I didn't know about the prophesy.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, dance is an important part of traditional Mayan culture, you would love it. I'll get more into the prophesy with my next post.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
What a wonderful place to visit, Rosalind! I'm coming to this post rather after the fact, and am wondering how the light was when you got there, and if you saw the snake in those shadows!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, the light was fabulous and I did see the snake, post and video to come!

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