A Fly Multitask Remedy

It happens to me all of the time, especially when traveling.  I'm scrambling to catch a flight, my hands are filled with my carry on, blanket and purse when my phone rings. Lots of fumbling and dropping of stuff usually follows before I can grasp my phone. It never occurred to me that there might be a solution to this not-enough-hands quandary until I was contacted to check out Flygrip. I'm not typically a huge gadget fan but the name alone intrigued me--Fly girl using Flygrip!

Cute name aside, I was interested in how this accessory would make traveling and multitasking easier. The colorful clip attaches to smart phones, e-books and tablets with detachable adhesive strips. Secured to your hand, the device allows you to text, read, tweet or take photos without worrying about dropping your phone.

Flygrip clips your phone to your fingers so that you still have your thumb and other hand free. I tried it out during a walking tour of Chicago's Gold Coast. My hands were clutching a parasol (100 degrees in the shade) and my bag filled with water, camera and sunscreen. Flygrip allowed me to tweet photos without worrying that I would drop my phone. I have unfortunately experienced the horror of hearing my screen shatter on the cobblestones of a Montreal street after I dropped it while attempting to take a photo. So I know firsthand the importance of securing your phone while multitasking. You can also use the attachment as a kickstand to stand your phone up for photos or videos. Flygrip comes in eight colors with three sizes to accommodate different sized fingers.  I'm not sold on Flygrip's $30 price tag but I think it's a clever and useful addition to any travel arsenal.


Andrew Graeme Gould said…
It does sound very practical, Rosalind, and as you say, with that name its a natural for you!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, I think I might like it more for the name than the practicality.
Janice Temple said…
Thanks for the share Rosalind. I know when boarding a flight and trying to text a love one while pulling luggage can be a challenge. I may give this gadget a try.
Fly Girl said…
Janice, it is a cute add on and it does come in handy. Thanks for visiting.
Catherine said…
sounds an interesting gadget - you seem to have flown off my blog list - no idea why - will try and reattach so I don't miss any more of your stuff - greetings from Olympic London that I am currently enjoying....
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, you've left the South of France for London? I guess the Olympics are a great excuse to go home, can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Michaela said…
Pretty nifty way to hang on to things when you're on the move - especially those expensive items!
Fly Girl said…
I've found that it really comes in handy with any phone juggling situation. Thanks for dropping by!
Rachel Cotterill said…
Sounds like it might be quite uncomfortable? But I'm always dropping my phone so I really should do something about that....
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, it's actually more comfortable than it looks although I don't know how it would feel after being on your fingers for an hour.
A Cuban In London said…
Very practical gadget! :-)

Greetings from London.

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