Next Stop: Monteregie, Quebec

Next week, I'm off to the orchards and vineyards of the "Garden of Quebec," as Monteregie is called. Located just southeast of Montreal and filled with natural and gourmet delights, Montergerie is noted for wine, ice cider and tantalizing regional restaurants. My media tour includes visits to five vineyards, three cidreries, one chocolatier and one cheese maker so expect lots of dish sampling, cider sipping and wine tasting posts.  I'm also excited about biking along the St. Lawrence River, visiting a butterfly orchard and learning about the region's 18th century history. So stayed tuned for my exploration of Quebecois culinary culture.


Andrew Graeme Gould said…
Fabulous, Rosalind. Can't wait to see the posts. Have a good trip!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, thanks. I'll try not to drink too much cider and wine!
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
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Andrew Graeme Gould said…
Well it's ok if it's "reseach"... (And you can still stand up.)
Fly Girl said…
Ha! I'll remember that.
Catherine said…
the food is bound to be good - keep us posted on this fertile region
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, that's what I hear but I'm curious about the details of the cuisine.
Angela said…
Looking forward to your impressions, enjoy the food and the local produce :)
Fly Girl said…
Angela, the food and wine were amazing, my posts are coming soon!

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