Butterfly Dreams

The province of Monteregie is nicknamed the "Garden of Quebec" for a very obvious reason.  The area is filled with lovely pastoral landscapes of vineyards, orchards and artisan farms. But an unexpected bit of bucolic wonder was the butterfly aviary tucked inside of Ferme Guyon farm and horticulture center.

A hundred species of butterflies float around in the specially created ecosystem and I tried to spot as many as I could. It was tricky, they fly away quickly and their wings blend in with plant leaves.

After a few tries, I discovered that it's best to sit still and let them fly near you.

Before I knew it, a toffee-colored butterfly was relaxing on my purse.

And then another came to rest on my bright blue pants leg. As visitors bustled around  furiously snapping pix, I grabbed the best images of all just by being still. I think there's a lesson in that somewhere...


Indrani said…
Great captures! Very happy shots.
I love everything about this post: The butterflies, your bright multi-color outfit, and that photo of the butterfly resting on your gorgeous sky blue jeans! ;D

- Maria Alexandra
katie said…
BEAUTIFUL!!!! I especially love the shot of the butterfly that landed on your bright blue pants. :) What a happy post!
Fly Girl said…
Indrani, Thanks for dropping by.

Maria,Thanks so much! I think the butterflies thought I was a flower!

Katie,Thanks. Those pants make me happy too!
A Cuban In London said…
Indeed, there's a lesson. Butterflies don't like impatient tourists! :-)

Excellent photos. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, that's not the lesson I was thinking of but I guess that works too!
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
You are so nicely adorned there, Rosalind, but I think you've actually outdone the butterflies with your own bright colours!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, thanks. I think butterflies are the lovliest adornments of all.
Catherine said…
that looks like a really lovely little tranquil spot to spend some time...
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, not as lovely as the French Riviera but it was pretty.

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