Vineyard Beauty

I spent a lot of times in vineyards this summer. I never planned it, that's just where my travels led me.  In Monteregie, I strolled  through about six different vineyards, each with a different atmosphere. I realized that just like my favorite beaches, vineyards offer tranquil meditation. They are very peaceful, with just a few birds to join you.  Have you discovered an unexpected relaxation spot during your travels?


Indrani said…
Great captures!
Fine weather!
Fly Girl said…
Indrani, thanks so much!
Catherine said…
Not a bad place to spend your summer....although I would also be heading to the cellars and tasting rooms...
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, oh I did! But I think that the natural beauty captured me more than the fermented beauty.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I really do agree... Beaches and vineyards are my choices, too, for the same reason!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, I think you're spoiled with both in Chile!
Nomadic Translator said…
Ah, I love vineyards -- they are so relaxing. Great pics =)

- Maria Alexandra
Fly Girl said…
Maria, thanks so much for stopping by. I never realized how relaxing vineyards could be.
A Cuban In London said…
I must admit that this is a first one for me. I don't think I've ever even thought of visiting a vineyard. It's all to do with being teetotal. But the beauty to which your photos introduced me makes forget easily that there's alcohol involved at the end of the process. :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I totally agree. I'm not much of a drinker and all the wine tastings started to be too much after a point. It was taking in the beauty of these vineyards that really left an impression.
Rachel Cotterill said…
Wold you believe I've never been to a vineyard? These pictures are so soothing :-)

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