A Jamaican Hummingbird Heaven

You can't visit a tropical paradise without diving into the natural landscape and Jamaica offers lots of options.  In Ocho Rios, I explored Mystic Mountain which features a lush hummingbird garden in a rain forest. In the photo above, you can spot a hummingbird hovering over the feeder on the left.

I love the delicate beauty of these winged creatures but I discovered that they are really hard to capture on camera. There were literally dozens of birds flitting around but I only managed to snap one.

The green feathers and red beaks blend in with the scenery so well  and they fly so fast that I had to strain to see them. Look at the bird melting into the leaves to the left in the photo above.

I learned that Ecuador claims the most species of hummingbirds and that the world's smallest bird does not migrate from the Western Hemisphere. It was fun being surrounded by these tin birds in the Jamaican rain forest but they did make me dizzy.


Rachel Cotterill said…
I would so love to see a hummingbird!
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, they are magical creatures! I think you need to get down to South America or the Caribbean for a good chance to spot one.
Wendy said…
I love hummingbirds. I've seen them up close in New Mexico. They are curious creatures.
Fly Girl said…
Wendy, Curious and so pretty!
A Cuban In London said…
And Cuba claims the smallest hummingbird in the world! :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Really? I didn't know that. Still another reason on an unending list of reasons to visit Cuba
Unknown said…
Cuba has to be at the top of my list. Love the way you documented this!

Check out my awesome travel blog when you get a chance :)
Fly Girl said…
Tyler, thanks so much. I'll visit your blog soon.
Alex Pendleton said…
Looks like paradise! I want to escape to a hummingbird garden
Fly Girl said…
Alex, Oh Jamaica truly is paradise, with or without hummingbirds!

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