From Russia With Love

It may be March but that simply translates to a little less snow in Chicago. It's still cold and will probably remain on the frosty side until the end of April. I am not familiar with that thing called Spring. Doesn't exist in these parts. So how do I survive through long months of cold? I follow the example of people who know a thing or two about brutal cold; Russians. No, I'm not talking about downing bottles of vodka but there's another quite popular local beverage, Siberian ginseng.  A native shrub, Russians first used it to strengthen astronauts and athletes in training. Famous for boosting energy and stress relief, Siberian ginseng is a daily tonic tea for Russians and anyone trying to build stamina. You can buy different versions of the tea, sometimes called Eleuthero root, but I really appreciate my imported Russian brand, complete with Matryoshka doll and Russian wording. Nothing kicks the mighty Chicago hawk like a hot cup of Siberian ginseng.


Mary R said…
very funny post! We've had a long winter in Dc as well, but the weather is so erratic here. It snowed Monday, Tues and Weds were nice, and they're predicting another snow storm for tonight! I've got weather fatigue, and some siberian ginseng would be good to calm my nerves about now
Fly Girl said…
Mary, weather fatigue is a very good description. It hasn't reached 30 degrees here and my coats are wearing me down.
A Cuban In London said…
I love Siberian ginseng. I usually buy in a pack called "3 Gs" (ginseng, ginger and I can't remember which other herb(.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I bet it's gota kola, for focus.

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