The Loudest Animal in the New World

Panama is noted for Howler monkeys and I was on alert for sightings during my entire time there.  I was excited about hearing the distinctive screeching that they make, although locals warned me that it can be very disorienting. They hang out in the rain forest, munching young leaves in treetops. I rode a canoe deep into the Panamanian rain forest and spotted a few monkeys, like the critter above, perched on a branch. We were apparently too late to see Howlers, who pump out their screams at the beginning and end of the day.Their powerful vocal cords have earned them the title of "loudest animal in the New World."  I'd still like to experience their unusual screams, although not unexpectedly. What animals are you looking forward to spotting on your travels?


Andrew Graeme Gould said…
Too bad you missed them, Rosalind. One thing I've never seen, but would like to, is a sloth. I bet they aren't noisy...
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, sloths were actually something else that hang out in Panama's rain forests. Didn't see one though.
A Cuban In London said…
ANother fine post. Never heard of this monkey before. It sounds like fun, as long as you're not too close! :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, the sound is supposed to be really disconcerting. I guess I'm lucky I never saw them.

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