My Favorite Discovery at TBEX

 The TBEX travel blogger conference always delivers great information and experiences. I always learn a lot but this year, my favorite discovery had nothing to do with blogging ( I'll list those in my next post) but symbolized contemporary Canadian culture. I was enjoying myself at the TBEX Toronto opening party when a blogger friend alerted me to the delicacy pictured above.

What is it? Well it seems, local chefs have taken classic Canadian ingredients and created something unforgettable.

I'm familiar with the tradition of pouring fresh maple syrup onto snow after it's just been tapped from the tree. Canada has a lot of snow and a lot of maple syrup but I've never seen the two come together quite like this. The chef drizzled pure maple syrup on layers of snow.

Then he speared a piece of local cheese (smoked Gouda, cheddar or blue cheese) and twirled the snow covered syrup around the cheese. I know, it sounds bizarre. I chose the Gouda and when I stuffed it into my mouth (the chef insisted it be consumed in one bite) the sensation was a heavenly blend of sweet, smoky and milky that I can only describe as Canadian nirvana. It was seriously the most memorable taste experience that I've had in awhile. I'm certain that the exact taste can never be replicated outside of Canada (besides Canadian maple syrup, you need Canadian snow!) so this quirky treat will always be a part of my TBEX and Toronto memories.


Indrani said…
Sounds delicious! I crave to taste it now.
Fly Girl said…
Indrani, it was soooo good! I can't even tell you how the taste still lingers.
TexWisGirl said…
that sounds really awesome, actually! :)

thanks for stopping in today, fly girl! blessings to you and yours!
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
I'd certainly like to try that! I'm eager to hear more of your experiences in the next post, Rosalind...
Fly Girl said…
Texgirl, thanks!

Andrew, It's really an unforgettable sensation!
A Cuban In London said…
Oh, God, I'm salivating at the sight of that beauty! Many thanks. You see why I always have to swing by your "house"? You have the most amazing photos and stories. :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, thanks so much!
Jess said…
That was the best thing I've eaten in a long time. I tried all three kinds of cheese, and they were all amazing. If I knew a place where I could find them again I would totally go back to Canada just for that.
Fly Girl said…
Jess, I tried all 3 too but I loved the Gouda the best. I will be going back to Canada 2 more times this summer and i will see if I can find out if they make this in other Canadian regions!
Tripwich said…
An somehow we missed this delectable treat. Who can re-create it?
Fly Girl said…
Tripwich, it was easy to miss. I'm lucky I got alerted to it. I really don't think it can be recreated on the same level outside of Canada.

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